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Mobile phone LG GS 290

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netibiza | 15:21 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
804 Answers
Am thinking of buying this phone, have checked everywhere on internet but cannot find if it has loudspeaker/speakerphone which I need! Thanks for any help!


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It'snot all hard slog, and I know I do not look brown but I am!!
15:26 Thu 26th May 2011
Hi folk.

LOL about the gardening. My neighbour and I have similar discussions. We wander round staring at things, have lots of ideas, do some more staring, have a cuppa, pull a few weeks, snip a few dead heads, etc., sit outside with another cuppa, then go for another staring session!! These sessions are very necessary for good gardening and make sure you don't rush headlong in!! Some hopes!!

Well I really like Dawn French - she's a very lovely and attractive alluring woman whatever her size and Mr LL things so too. Just as well because the slim young willowy thing he married is no more.

Weather is still good here, but more breezy and there was a wind off the sea last night and it went very chilly.

Nice to see you Shaney. I am waiting for the word from you about a meeting! I know it's difficult so don't worry, but would love to see you.

I have had another eye thingy problem, (retinal fluid thingy). This one was very dramatic as I thought a spider had jumped out the sink at me until I realised that he was everwhere I looked. It was very dark and distinct, but faded.

I suppose I will have to phone the eye clinic at the hospital and get it checked. They said I could just go without an appointment if it ever happened again because they like to make sure there are no tears in the retina!! Might pop along on Tuesday - am busy tomorrow and the eye isn't bothering me in the least.

Having a lazy day. I got up at 12.00pm and don't intend to garden at all. Can't be bovvered.

See you later.

Oh, and I actually watched the final of BGT in between cooking our meal last night and drinking red wine. I must admit there were some good acts and I am glad that Jai fellow one and not the young lad. Michael Collins was excellent, Robbie. He is such a lovely bloke. What on earth was that mad woman on the piano all about!!!!
Oooh Shaney, you popped in there whilst I was writing my screed!! xxxxxx
Hi Lofty
We've got an endoscopy appt tomorrow .Camera up winkle .
What they may find is to be left . As you can imagine Mr S is very cheesed off and so am I .
.He's been wandering about with this catheter for nearly seven months now .I hope we can get some sort of verdict tomorrow .I'm not confident and think he may have to have some sort of permanent tap of some description to be able to relieve himself .
I'd love to meet up again Hopefully we can soon.
I had to say no to a meet up in London with my two old schoolfriends last week and I was really upset about it .
I hope your eye isn't giving you too much trouble but do go and get it looked at,don't leave it xxx
Hi Again Shaney

Poor Mr S. I really feel for him, and for you too. It seems endless. Big hugs to both of you. I won't leave the eye, I will probably go down to N&N on Tuesday or Wednesday but will give them a ring first to check on what is a good time.

Good luck for tomorrow.

Can't wait to see you again. Will we still recognise each other!! ;o)

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Afternoon each, have deliberately stayed away from all things media until I saw the end of BGT, cos didn't want to know until I watched it. I wanted Michael Collins or that Zany (!) dancer to win. Couldn't download it until 15.30hrs my time! Went out for a lovely lunch with Mr N (hija still partying!)

Now must go and read my emails and the Sunday Mail!
Got my fingers crossed for Mr S, Shaney. Its been cool and rainy here today. Dinner is ready (choice of cold meats, salad, ciabatta rolls, home made potato salad, fruit, cheese, ice cream.) sounds posh doesn't it? The house is clean and all is well. Seems a while since I have said that. Wishing you all some "all is well" as well.
Enjoy your time with your Sis, Woofy. I am sure you will.

When she has gone, you can come and do my cleaning if you like!!
Question for jno

I have in the back of my mind that you had been on a Russian Cruise. If you have, who did you go through. Thinking it would make a nice pressie for Mr LL when he retires (if he retires!!!)
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I'd love to go on a Baltic Cruise, although crusiing isn't my thing normally, but the last baltic hol was tiring with packing and unpacking every day and flying, busing, getting the train, it wore me out, so a cruise where you go back to the cabin (it would have to be a big one) and all clothes hanging in the same place everyday would be fine! I so want to go back to St Petersburg, there is so much more there that I want to see.
oh, poor Mr S again, no wonder you're both cheesed off, I hope it goes well (and quickly)

Lottie are we supposed to get checked out everytime there's a prob after that vitreous thing? I hope not because my eye's never really been the same & I often have fuzzy eye times.

Well it's been a very cold, grey, miz of a day & I've done booger all...and it's egg mayo cobs (that's bread rolls to you posh lot) for tea. I haven't cooked at all today, I didn't feel like it.
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Oh I forgot, Yay Nadal, a tope!!!!! Love that boy, wish he'd marry my hija!!!!
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Jude, I hope you anto b's are working, mine seem to be doing the job as gums are far less painful. Dentist again tomorrow.

Good luck Mr s, a catheter up the winky must be uncomfy. I had one up my wee wee bit once when I was miscarrying and they wanted a scan so had to fill me up! Awful!

Weather was nice and sunny, and , so far no rain today, I think we have had enough! But I still find it a tad chilly and am wearing a long nightie and bed sox and have put a quilte blanket on the bed. Strange weather.
Have booked the cruise and watched all the videos. Average age of passengers probably about 70!! But it will suit us and looks very relaxing. There are Russian lessons on board, but I suppose Mr LL won't be attending!!

End of May next year for 10 days. All of it on board and two days are spent in St Petersburg and 2 in Moscow. MIL came from St Petersburg.

Glad your gums are getting better Neti.

Robi, when I had my problem they said to go back straight to the clinic - no referral needed - if problems arose again, but I am going to check with hospital before going back - I need to know what times to go, etc.

If I were you I would check with the eye clinic you attended and tell them things are not right and see if you can go back straight away. You should get it sorted out just in case there are retinal tears. Apparently they are more likely if you have had vitreous thingies, but still not common, so don't worry.

So yes, they did tell me to go back for any further problems to check for retinal tears.
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Oh lottie I am so jealous of you, really really cross, I want to come also, there you go swanning off to Yorkshire and now a Baltic cruise, you lucky lucky thing. Do go to that famous graveyard where Borodin and the others are all buried in St Petersburg. Mind you St Petersburg is very dilapidated and it is heartrending to see how bad the living conditions are even in this day and age, and on every corner there is a golden palace! Do go to the Winter Palace, absolutely spectacular and so sad. Do visit the fortress (Mr N thinks it is called St Pauls) where the magnificent marble graves are of Tsar Nicholas and all the family (well most of them). Look for the gold flower things on the 4 corners of the graves, that means they were actual rulers and the ones without weren't. Oh I so want to go back.!!!!
And I have my own Russian Speaking interpreter 24 hrs a day!!

I am so pleased for Mr LL. For years and years he could not step foot into Russia because of his family history, and then when he was able to, we were broke and couldn't afford to go and had too many financial commitments. We did try to go one weekend but that's a long story and we never got there - so ten days will be relaxing. The cabins are tiny, but who cares, even the bigger ones have the same titchy bathrooms with those awful loos/shower combined thingies that I can't stand.

I just want him to visit his roots. Both parents were Russian and he was born in a German DP camp just after the war. Really interesting and sobering family history.
Its a river cruise Neti, so not very many passengers which suits us fine. I have just been looking at the on board menus and memories of Viks parents and his mum's cooking have been flooding back.

Mind you, as I said looking at the video most of the passengers look as if they are really old.!!
Lottie, that's right, we went from St Petersburg to Moscow with Viking River Cruises (if you happen to get the Telegraph, it had a whole big advertising supplement for them yesterday). It was totally fascinating. It's all along rivers and canals that Stalin had linked up to give sea access to Moscow. My favourite was Kizhi, an old wooden church on an island in a lake; but you'll get to see lots of historic cathedrals and old towns with wooden dachas (unless they've all been modernised by now). There was also a church sticking up out of the river where Stalin had had a village drowned - I don't know if it's still there, the wash from river boats must destabilise it a lot.
Thanks jno. Viking are obviously one of the best. Unfortunately, it would have stretched our finances too much, so have booked with Go Russia, who have some excellent videos to watch on their site. Obviously the same route, but not so classy!!


Have booked the cheapest cabin on the main deck, but I am sure they will suit us - as long as the beds are comfortable!! I read the telegraph article.

I have never fancied cruising on big liners, but river cruising on smaller ships sounds much nicer to me.

Have already arranged for Master LL to look after Meggie for the duration of.
I am falling to bits! I think I have a hernia along the huge scar line I have on my lower abdomen. Grrrrrrrrr!!

I have always had pain and soreness along that whole area.

I have also lost a big of tooth.

Oh well, eyes, stomach, teeth. The joys of being a Biddie!!

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