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Mobile phone LG GS 290

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netibiza | 15:21 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
804 Answers
Am thinking of buying this phone, have checked everywhere on internet but cannot find if it has loudspeaker/speakerphone which I need! Thanks for any help!


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It'snot all hard slog, and I know I do not look brown but I am!!
15:26 Thu 26th May 2011
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Woofy, thanks for advising me to reboot my phone, I followed instructions from the net and now all is Ok (so far).
Just popped in to wish you all a goodnight .
It turned out a lovely day here weatherwise .
Hope you get on alright at the eye clinic tomorrow Lofty and that you feel better Robinia.
Goodnight all ,sleep well.
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♫ Morning has broken...♫

Morning all.

Rain forecast but sunny at present.

Hope you are all OK.. I was dreaming that I had to go to the eye hospital in Islington. It was called Shining, but I couldn't be seen cos I didn't have my doctors paper with me! Stranger and stranger. I have to have an op on my eye this Friday,

Am still toothless as dentist didn't make whatever she is making in time, back there today at 18hrs.
Good morning I is, care of BT. Tarquin came & set it all up, I got lost after 'Plug the hub.....' haha. And I'd never have sorted out my email.

Hope your eyes are ok Lottie, I have the bp fasting blood tests too...I went on Friday 13th(!) May but as I've not heard anything I'm assuming all was ok.
Hope the rest of you are well, weather's not up to much to cheer us along.

Bless me neti, for I have sinned. Been doing a bit of swearing this morning, woke up with a sinus headache, snufflin & sneezin & eyes like a gargoyle, eek! Hayfever, I'm sure it is, it's this wind blowing all the dust & pollen around. In fact I think the way I feel with all these aches and pains is an allergy to something in the air because I almost always feel lousy between the start of May & the end of June. I did hear a doc on the radio once who said if you have hayfever you're more likely to have food allergy/intollerances too, it's all linked.

I just love that song neti, I'll have it played at my funeral, it has to be the Cat Stevens version tho'...(you're allowed to play it at a non religious service)

...and if you need a laugh...remember to always rinse your hair well...
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Her Holiness the Popess here: That is the reason we do not change our internet provider, cos we probably wouldn't be able to plug it in, and sort it out. BT are over here now and I would dearly like to use them, but fear I am stuck with Telefonica/Movistar until I shuffle this mortal coil!!
oh dear, neti, do you have an eyetooth doctor who could treat both at once?

I went out and reduced the hedge to a shrub yesterday, but it also left me with streaming eyes and nose, I suppose because it was full of dust. But otherwise I am only mildly sinussy rather than allergic to anything, and though I have had a couple of bad asthma spells over the years, I am mainly free of it altogether.


tch, Engelbert Humperdinck must be on the telly again
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Helloo, back at yet!

I now have a mouthful of inisible teeth, like a top set of dentures, with now lonely little tooth inserted in it, so can smile with a full set. But feels very uncomfy, have to take it out at home and go back in 15 days when mouth has healed.

Where is everyone, have we moved??????
I think they've all gone out on strike, neti, something to do with a gesture to mark Miriam Karlin's funeral...
Hi I am back. All OK, just another PVD. Blood tests tomorrow morning. Not fasting ones Robi, I don't need them, just kidney and cholestorol checks. Here we have to make an appointment one week after BP blood tests with the nurse to have weight, wee checks and then the GP if necessary. Thank goodness I am bypassing the nurses next wee and straight to GP to talk about RA. What a lot of jargon I have just typed. Oh to be young again and not know about any of this stuff.

I didn't see you at the clinic Neti!!

I am going now because son is coming to install new computer, which apparently might take some time because he is installing some new fangled system as well which links mine to his network at home completely and means I can have my very own email network (along with him and Mrs)

So this is to say if you don't see me for a while - well I might have disappeared into the ether.

good evening all both of you...oh dear, bit spacious in here, I've got umpteen layers of clothes on and I'm doing my best to make the place look full...and keep warm, it's been very draughty again.

erm...ummm...can't think of anything interesting to say now..

Hope your teef reappear soon neti
oh hello Lottie, you snuck in....that puta business all sounds complicated
hmph. You know that wacky rattling noise you get when you hoover up hundreds of peppercorns you've just spilt all over a wooden floor? No? Well, I am now in a position to tell you.
real quick pop in. Cancer doc today. All well nothing changed which is amazingly excellent new. Got post stress weariness. night all
Hi, son phoned, he was really tired and is now coming tomorrow.

Had to laugh about your peppercorns jno!!

That is great news Woofy. I know exactly what you mean about post stress weariness. When I got back from the hospital,I had lunch and then fell into bed and slept soundly and restfully for three hours. I was so stressed out about going to the hospital and the results that any sleep I did get last night was full of nightmares and panic attacks!!

I must admit that I now announce to hospital staff that I have hospital phobia. They all then make a real effort to reduce the stress for me and explain things as they go along. I just hate it when they examine you and say nothing and look serious. If people put mind mind at rest as they do each test and tell me the results straight away I am fine.

Neti I have been trying to imagine your invisible false teeth. Are they actually see through plastic teeth on a plate that fit over your real teeth?

Robi, I have been told once again to go back if I have any problems with the eye and phone the clinic direct. Signs to look out for are a lot more flashes, a lot more floaters and any shadows obscuring vision and a grey shadow around the periphery of your vision.

All that sleep, and now I am not tired!!

Not stressed out about blood tests tomorrow, but no doubt will be stressed for the results on Tuesday.
so glad to hear that people's tests are proving optimistic. Constant niggling ailments (or those of loved ones) really take it out of you.
Good morning. Just off for bloodtests!
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Here it is lottie, horrible thing but only for 15 days. Good luck with blood tests.

Hope you are feeling better today Robi with your new BT.

Well done Mr woofy

How is mr s getting on shaney?

Jude, jude where art thou!

Waves to our Dolly!!!
Good moaning...great news for mr. woofy, keep up with the good progress...and good luck Lottie, the most stressful thing about blood tests for me is not having two mugs of sweet tea before I go.

oh yuk neti, that looks like a boxers's gumsheild..

BT? hmmm, there had to be a catch...he talked so quickly I didn't quite grasp the chargeable calls bit...
WOOFY! are you there? Do you have to do the two chargeable calls p month thing? Forgive my blondeness/nosiness but, if so, who do you call? Mobiles? And if I'm making chargeable calls couldn't they cost more than the penalty of £1.50 p month anyway?
Oh poo, I hate small print.

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