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Mobile phone LG GS 290

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netibiza | 15:21 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
804 Answers
Am thinking of buying this phone, have checked everywhere on internet but cannot find if it has loudspeaker/speakerphone which I need! Thanks for any help!


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It'snot all hard slog, and I know I do not look brown but I am!!
15:26 Thu 26th May 2011
Good morning...zzzzzz...another krackered old wreck here.

Oh Jude how can you enjoy town? My sister persuaded me to go yesterday, she wanted to look in Debenhams we trailed around every rail in there, tried things on, ummmmed and ahhh'd...she bought lots of things, I bought one t shirt & a much needed nude coloured bra, (I hate it when they show through your clothes). Had to traipse all round to pay for the damned thing, the offers on the rails weren't showing at any of the tills, the assistants scowl & make excuses, one even said 'We don't know everything'....I never bloody said she should!....gggrrrrr, I was being polite and patient, why do they get all defensive?? And lack of shop floor assistants & changing rooms...agghh!
There's a lot to be said for internet shopping.

Lottie I think we just go through phases when our bodies overreact to things...I get wound up & upset at the slightest problem at the moment, no matter how positive I try to be I still end up in a right state. No one had better take me shopping today. :o)

KBO all...
well just tell them to steer clear of the one eyed, one toothed, purple paisley people eater
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I have taken the eye patch off, and now the good eye is having trouble seeing clearly.

Daughter has just staggered in through the door, been out since 9pm. she starts work as a hotel receptionist next Monday, lawd help them!
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I love shopping Robi, but cannot dawdle like my sister does, "Oh maybe I'll see something else" and faffs and fumbles. I'm in like flynn, I like it,I try it, I buy it , onto the next shop!
well, you would, wouldn't you, Robinia

Yet another cream crackered wreck reporting in .My SiL nagged me to go to the doctor with this cough which I did yesterday and I have a chest infection .Great .So I'm now on another lot of antibiotics. Hey ho .
Had a drop of rain yesterday but nothing much .My brother is out there every day doing a rain dance .All his water butts ( seven of them ) are empty and he's on a water meter .Everything here is parched .My lawn is yellow .If we don't get some good downpours soon I can see a hosepipe ban in the offing .
Hope you are all fair to diddling .Have a good weekend everyone .
can I ship some of our spare rain up your way? It's the local open garden day tomorrow and looks like it's going to be a washout.

I could throw in some old cardies too.
It's rained a bit today and when I say 'a bit' that's exactly what I meant. Even the washing on the line didn't notice it.

Oh dear Shaney, poor you. You must be so run down. You need a holiday in the sun in a luxury hotel where you will be waited on hand and foot.

I don't like shopping, but shopping with a friend where 95% of the time is spent having coffee and cakes and then eating Italian meals suits me just fine. Can't stand department stores at all, horrible places.
evening all...
I hope you feel better very soon shaney x They showed Norfolk on the news last night and it's all yellow. I don't know about anywhere else but Derby's forecast is dry this week after tomorrow I think. :o/

well I'm speaking to you slowly from an alien puta, it's very strange (but nice), I haven't been abducted, I'm on Tarquin's mac. (I want one, apparently you don't get viruses on macs) Mine crashed big time stylie, couldn't do anything and said I was infected by every virus known to man etc etc... it's some bloody invasion scam by one of those programmes which wants you to pay for 'a tool to remove it'. I was livid I tell ya, LIVID! Anyway he's taken it away to do it at home on his laptop & left me this one so I don't feel deserted, bless him. I've given him a money plant so I hope he has a big fat lotto win :o)

Right I'll have a click about and see if I can find some knitting patterns to download on this puta, haha
Oh crikey Robina ...that sounds nasty .I emailed you recently but I expect it's got lost in the ether
Ground control to Major Tom .........Take your protein pills and put your helmet on :)))
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Hi shaney, hope you are feeling better, there's no end for you at the moment is there. Yes oh crikey Robi, poor you.

Mr N has just brought in a delicious curry, really appreciated, had better bung on the eyepatch and take the tooth out so I get more treats! :0)
Hi All. Shaney you have my sympathy. Get well very quickly. You really are a brave and kind lady how you and Mr S are dealing with everything.
Robi, I mostly go shopping in town on my own, except when it was special like the wedding dress business when I took my sister with me. then I took it back didn't I ! I usually I know what I'm looking for and have a route to follow but I do get side tracked now and again on the way, usually for a latte in Thorntons. Hope you get your pc sorted.
Neti, I have had to laugh at some of the little jokes by certain biddie friends about your teeth and eye situation, but definitely not laughing at you personally, you must be really fed up.
It's gone quite cool here now and I'm expecting rain tomorrow. I think we had a bit of a downpour this afto but I was watching tennis so didn't see much. Murray is through to the final but the English lad, James Ward, lost his semi. but he looks a promising player.
This next week I am getting ready for my holiday. I'm off to Scotland next Sunday so am putting aside things not to wear his week, ready to pack.
I've been to see Olly and Lolly (the cats) and fed them etc also watered the plants. I'm pleased because last year I bought them a miniature rose and I noticed today that they had put it in a bigger pot outside. They don't have a garden as such, just an area outside the backdoor with pots of plants and it was there. It's just coming into flower and will probably have opened up when they get back next week.
Hi Lottie, Woofy, Jno Dolly - hope your weekend has been ok.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Calling occupants of Interbiddybank... :o)

oh it's a bloomin nuisance, I spent all that time getting a provider sorted out & then the computer throws a fit. I don't actually have dozens of viruses (I hope) it just says you have & stops you doing anything so you're scared into buying a programme you don't need, Just in case anyone else gets it it's Vista antispyware 2010 and Tarquin said it may have arrived as a fake update.

How recently did you email shaney? It may be there when I get my computer back, I don't seem to be able to sign in on this one....mind you I'm not sure I'm using the right I.D/password

Anyhoo, it's a bit slow...or that could be me? I'll be orf to the mothership for tonight. If I can remember where to switch it on I might be back tomorrow, haha
morning all Shaney, sorry to hear about the chest infection. Do you take a multivitamin? It can help I find when you (one) are under a lot of stress. Quiet day yesterday. Blooming fireworks friday night again and DH had got a touch of the stressed tum however he was improving by last night and no fireworks last night so so far so good today.
Robi, Yes you want a Mac, they are lovely. I don't mind a bit of recreational shop browsing but do most of mine online cos its better for me nerves.
Neti has anything else fallen off? :-)
Anyway time for a post first breakfast kip....laters all
oh, Robi, I know, I had one of these antivirus scams recently, I even asked one of my rare questions about it


They can look very authentic these days and I thought it was my genuine Windows firewall (which I never look at so I don't know what it's supposed to look like).

Best thing to do if you get one is just click it away and run a proper scan for malware and stuff just in case. I have Malwarebytes, which is free and recommended by people like Buenchico. For viruses I have Avast, ditto, which is on all the time and occasionally tells me it's just repelled a virus. I also seem to have some other cleaner-uppers, probably more than I need, but they don't appear to trip over each other.

Storm clouds are brewing here, you can tell it's open garden day in high summer.
^^that's the sound this puta makes when you switch it on, did it wake you? So sorry, lol

Morning all. I have returned after a night of weird dreams...and why do I always wake up when it gets to the good bit but never when it's the bad bits?
Hope you're all as well as & any infections are improving.

Sounds like you panicked as much as I did jno...actually I told you Vista antispyware 2010 and it was 2012 so my problem was more futuristic than yours, ha... do move with the times, must be all those time zones you go through, you've gone back in time :o) The trouble was I couldn't do a single practical thing (eg run a scan), it blocked everything & more warnings just kept popping up, & yes, they did look very real! I've had obvious fake warnings beore but they were closeable. Tarquin told me to stop clicking things & disconnect the internet 'til he arrived, which I had already done.
Woofy a Mac would be very nice, this is so quiet, mine's like sitting next to RR engine test beds :o)

I keep pressing the wronk things, notepad, it's all a bit small and there's no right click on this mouse..
aha! that's better, I've found how to make you all twice the size.... :o)

> > > > > >
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too late jno I saw it yesterday, absolutely ridiculous, gone off him now.

Yes Robi a couple of years ago I clicked on what was purportedly an AVG update and it was a virus, the tower had to go to the repairers to get it cleaned out, I was furious with myself even though it looked like the real thing, so now I ignore anything that comes up and go through the proper channels.

Morning all, dear shaney I do hope your chest infection is getting better.

Hope the rest of you are in high spirits and full of the joys etc etc......

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