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Going Loco Down in Acapulco

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VINNY100_2 | 13:29 Thu 17th May 2007 | Destinations
549 Answers
Or should I buy a pad in punta extapa. (:o)


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Morning biddys, windy init
oh heck..heard they had a tornado in the midlands.Some woman says there was this small tornado spinning across her garden and then shot of in the air.She says the weird thing was,it was wearing a blonde thats where robinia got to hahahaha..!..couldnt click on that second from last link kip....did it say london....couldnt have been stockholm...after netti had been there..bloomin clothes strewn all over the place.(:O)right must browse the l;atest Argos cat....hehe...!(:O)
Play Loud (*_*)

greetings from the windy city, second only to Woolycombe & conspicuous by it's absence from Kit's best city list....
maybe next year

yes there was a tornado just a few mile down the road & another where I grew up...I use that term loosely.

I've got some flu'ish lurgy & I feel rotten - this week has been postponed, I'd hate to do a 'hostess' in the co op queue....but I'm saving a fortune on rouge & heating 'cos
I'm hot, hot, hot...
(legs are right, not the bazooms, hehe)

sweti what's up with Argoose on line? or is the catalogue to thwack Vinny with?

btw I love the Biddyfilm Vinny but it's in my contract to use the enhanced me in the sequel....
I hear you'll be receiving a
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hehe..! catch yer later>>
yo (:O)
Robi poor ole thing, tuck up in bed with aspirins and lemon juice and keep warm (or is that the old fashioned advice!) For your info, Argos online is totally different from Argos catalogue, and we, over here, want the cat version as it's easier for friends (hint) and relatives to go to an Argos store than (at their ages) to do it online.
Loved the video Vinny You are clever at the old pics. I hope to send a pic of me when I sort out how to do it. Jude said to send it to her and she will sort it out. so you all might get one of me if it doesn't crack the puters. I am still using my "Brownie". It cost me all of 27shillings and 6 pence, but the elastic band is wearing out now. I am very impressed with your prowess.
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keep getting the server error thingy....Testing....(:O)
So do I Vinny first time I've got on tonight now I'm off to watch silent witness......... Have a good night all in case I can't get back on! :o)
Phew - at last I can get in.
....and Vinny stop calling me maureen!!!!!
Question Author
Testing ..Testing two three ?
All systems go again ?
Lashing with rain here ..blowing a gale and cold .
Silent Witness was good ... what was that music they played at the end ?
Hope you are OK Robinia ..stay in the warm,keep your libby buttoned up and drink hot lemon and honey .
Not anymore Shaney that advice is old hat. She has to strip naked and run around in the cold and bring the temp down. Up, up Robi, get moving! Hope you are feeling better, and take it easy. x
a'noon...ohhh, were you having trouble with your entrances again....?

still a bit iffy 'n sniffy but not so sweaty'd have to have some tropical disease to be feverish today - it's freezin' out. And it's a full moon - harvest moon apparently
is that you Vinny? tut...

I hate this time of year when you have to start wearing different clothes & you open your closet & it all looks like a jumble sale - the stuff they couldn't astrakan in or out this season?
Evening, biddies. This is the What kind of dog should Shaney get column. Shaney, are you familiar with the dogue de Bordeaux? My sister met one who was adamant to show her his teddy bear - aww! If you saw Turner and Hooch with Tom Hanks you'll know. Gonna show you a clip but first a word of warning to the Snoutman (he he), there's a sequence where the "actor dog" goes into incipient attack mode, which may or may not freak you out, what do I know. go hooch!

I grew up with animals (in city flats.) We even had some kind of monkey for a short while there and a dog that saved the family from being burnt to death. That was before I was born but I've heard the story of how the dog woke them up just in time and how a journalist called my grandmother at four in the morning to ask her for her photos of the believed to be dead family members. My parents hadn't called grandma yet and hadn't realized that the press might...

All the times I've heard that story and you know what - it hasn't dawned on me until now, when I'm telling it to you biddies, that in a way I too owe my life to that dog. But there have been crazy ones too; when my nephew was just a kid my eldest sister and her family had a rottweiler that went for him twice (!) before they had it put down. The attacks weren't nearly as savage as yours was, Vinny, but he's still got some tiny scars to prov'em, one of them right next to his eye. (And he's got a Staffordshire terrier!)

I love cats and dogs both.

So, will your son�s girlfriend go up up and away in that hot air balloon this side of winter, Jude, and will your son be going with her? Everyone�s ballooning � didn�t you say your son was planning it too, Robinia?
Bye now!
hi Kit yes, Tarquin did a balloon ride some time ago & loved it.

We had an assortment of pets when I was small, much to my mum's dismay....she liked animals but didn't particularly want them in our house I suspect.
covers Charlie's ears Chas is 11 at xmas & I won't be having another dog (famous last words!) & although cats are fascinating to watch I wouldn't want one of those either - all that worrying everytime they went off & coming back with 'offerings'.

is it
only me who finds it hilarious that they've repeated the Q's in a recycling poll?...yes?...oh well....little things & all that....
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is everybody cooking on gas...!
I had a brill dog once upon along ago..his name was Smokey..he was a cross between a german snoutzer and a wolf.We had a massive front garden...bit like a jungle..I use to bet everybody a tanner(sixpence)they couldnt jump over the wall,run round the garden and back over the wall again with out me dog biting them...made a fortune I did.(:O) erm..Cant remember the poll ribena....?init sumfink to do with michael palin...(:O)
lol Vinny....what's in your garden now? one of them there alpacas? alpacas in Acapulco - hahaha, me teeth have just flown out.
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lol robinia.
My pacos very handy,He carrys me becks back from the offey,you can get 200 cans on his back.
on no...its thursday tomorrow...on no...its thursday tomorrow...hahaha..!(:O)
ey...I wouldnt wanna be in your shoe's when the ed reads the morning.....!pssst ED....a week in the dungeon I reckon.hehe..!.(:O)

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