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Going Loco Down in Acapulco

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VINNY100_2 | 13:29 Thu 17th May 2007 | Destinations
549 Answers
Or should I buy a pad in punta extapa. (:o)


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oh shtrewth.....shounds like shaney's shloshed ash well...I'm shurrounded by dipshos....

why am I shlurring? i've only had a cup of tea....nite x
Oooooooooh and and all I have had to drink this evening is two cups of bl==dy rooibos tea ! Well........huffs shoulders ...and stamps feet in disgust ...
It's Vinny's fault ..he will keep spreading rumours about me xxx
well, you've been mixing your cheeses then :o)
Hahaha ......could be ....
i've been out hic!! see yhou soon hic hic
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Oooops forgot to turn lights out...(:O)
haha - only shaney would look for chs on youtube

(((bangs on tray)))

c'mon doo-dahs, gerrup....... YO
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☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼Wake me up when the Spring comes☼☼☼☼☼☼☼
ZZzzzzzzzzzzz (:O)

YO (((*_*)))
by heck the wind's turning cold here & there comes a point when wind chimes are
a tad irritating!!

could be worse I s'pose...I could be Vinny's neighbour
Hi All You all sounded cheerful yesterday or should I say full of cheer!! Hope you're feeling better Shaney. I had a great day in Beaconsfield. The weather was lovely and we sat outside all day. I even had a go at Clay Pigeon Shooting. (Don't ask cos I didn't). My brother took his guitar and we sat round having a sing song and his girlfriend and lucky her won the raffle and won a trip for 2 in a balloon. I'm still not hungry I filled up on pork and stuffing and desserts and cheeses and everything. A bit of an anti climax this afternoon. Still I have got the rugby I can watch after Derby's disasterous thrashing by Arsenal. See you later......:o)
Hiya Folks
Make sure you make the most of the lovely weather today ..hope you are clad in your shorts and tee shirts's lovely here ! But it is going down the pan rapidly from tomorrow so get your washing out asap!
I'm fine thank you Jude ..seems to be clearing up and I actually had a bath this morning was only mild but I hate to think what it would be like if it wasn't mild !
Agatha Christie tonight....I hope it's not a repeat .
How Vinny manages to be so bright and breezy after all that beer is the eighth wonder of the world !
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Morning Peeps...
It sure was windy last night.the curtains was blowing in and was like one of them cartoons where there snoring.hehe..! yo
Vins recipe to avoid a hangover.
(1)dip bread into a bowl of virgin olive oil.(:O)
(2)take a charcoal tablet.
(3) if that doesent work,take a hair of the dog..
trouble is,every time the dog next door spots me,he does a runner.hahaha..!(:O)
morning -
yep 'twas a huff & puff & blow your house down night here too & the rain was lashing down...which is a shame when you live in a knitted house... (bit of an over reaction that fire hazard thing isn't it? so long as the Wooly women put out their pipes it's ok surely...haha )

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~~~~~~~~~BIDDYS~~~~VIDEO~~~~~~~~~~~~~YO (((*_*)))
Oooh I say ..fame at last .

It's raining here and the washing I forgot to bring is about to disappear over the horizon.

I am not happy ....I got up early to go into town to the market etc and they have bunged our bus fares up by 50p in one hike.It now costs four quid for a four mile return journey . I wouldn't mind but the bloomin' things are filthy dirty and they don't seem to have heard of timetables .Bah !
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Round ere Shaney,its just under 3 squid to barnstaple and Stagecoach...(26 miles).Not bad,but we have to stop and water the horse's half-way...its all them hills yer know..(:O)
Rock on Vinny I've found fame at last!!! Yesterday was a very quiet day, resting and dozing after a hectic Saturday night reunion with a crowd from 70's. Warm and sweti here again. Can't seem to do anything properly today am meeting myself coming back, kitchen's a mess, I'm a mess, will have a final tidy through and then THAT'S IT!!!

Hello Robi, shaney, kit, Vinny,jno, Jude, Maggie, gessoo and Dolly there now I don't feel guilty!!
Evening, all. Thanks BOO (BTW you forgot BOO, Neti, ha ha ha!) and Robinia for your generous internet access contributions - it's been really interesting so far

Wow, Vinny, I used to think I was the ace internet pathfinder, but that was before I met you and the rest of the biddies - that little movie was nice. (Furthermore I'm still seeing the Barnstaple bridge every time I close my eyes, can't stop laughing. Nor at you jno still answering questions about the boys returning home from Somme...)

Speaking of great footage... question for you, biddies, what's the worst thing you could have happen to you on live television if you were the host/ess of say a game show where people call in to guess the right word...? Well... it happened on live television in Sweden... couple of days ago. Poor poor girl. don't click if you've just eaten

I need some help here, forgot my /glares angrily at Robinia/ chav Burberry glasses at home, perhaps one of you might help me interpret this ranking list here - which city does it say is the best city in the world...?

Awww, you're not so bad either. No wonder we invaded you. But were you defeated? No: Way to go, Britain: When raided, just build a pub on top of the enemy!

Gotta go; here's an article about that poor unfortunate game show hostess. I think she did really well. Bye now!
Good morning rocking biddettes - swetineti here. Have actually driven car to local shop and done a big shopping. Now my arm is killing me. Lovely day here, after several dull and dismal ones.

Hope you are all OK and not creaking too much. Shaney hope the shingles have gone back to the beach and left you pain-free.

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