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Going Loco Down in Acapulco

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VINNY100_2 | 13:29 Thu 17th May 2007 | Destinations
549 Answers
Or should I buy a pad in punta extapa. (:o)


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Boing Bing...!
mornin campers...Robinia' a long Pink a letter box...........on your thread on suggs(:O)
hope everybodys okay..bloomin freezing this morning but at least the suns out. Im off to Biddyford..catch yous later dudes....yo ~~:::(((*_*))):::~~
Morning everyone - popped in earlier and forgot to say anything................doh!!!
Hi all
Bright and breezy but a bit chilly .What a day yesterday ..I said what a day ..I think we had the lot bar snow .
Is Dimmock of Derby awake yet ?
Only my brother brought me a plant yesterday of the lilies but I don't know what it's called or what to do with it .It's.those white ones .Arum lilies ?. He has just dug it up and plonked it in a black sack .Can I grow them in a pot as I have no space in the borders.
well here I am & not in the dungeon Vincent...I said not......and I didn't 'win again' on the lotto either...

am I up? tut! I've been out in these sub zero temperatures to have my bp checked I'll have ye really is wintry here. Yes, your lilies should be fine shaney...they can be a bit tender anyway so in a pot is a good idea as you can move it to a sheltered spot for the winter.

for neti re the poll <sigh > > >
well, originally.....oh poop, I've lost the will
here's a man to explain

Brillioobs, now I understand it!
Afternoon Biddies Pleased you are as chirpy as ever Robi.
Kit I don't know when my brother and his girlfriend are going balloon flying they have until July next year.

Talking about dogs here, this is Maggie's contribution, must go and show her how to do it if I can remember:-
Ask the dog to do something

deep joy netibolda

unfortunately Jude I feel more chipped than chirpy...that cold wind has made my eyes & ears ache something awful. It's supposed to be 11C but I swear it can't be in double figures...some &^��*+# on one of the weather sites said it was going to be a very warm end to the month....erm, which country did they really mean?

that little dog is so sweet - love it when you say jump & roll over ......haha.....I'll see if it works on Vinny.
Of course it's ok for you to have my email address btw maggie.
is there room service in this place?...I don't feel like wearing me tiara to dinner tonight.

oh yes, No 89 please - & I like my yokel sunny side up...hahaha

ROFLMAO Robinia - so that's what he's been doing down at the Battered Men's Centre!

Have to go, bye!
Morning all - hope you are feeling better Robi.

Have just received an email from Vinny dated 5 Jan 07, it's getting like the spanish mail now!!!
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Morning Biddyfolk..
me pub in ar-fu**-um(ilfracombe)where I played skittles has closed down.The word is no bu66er goes in there anymore coz the smoking ban.I never use to notice a lot of smoke in there.But a lot of punters used it in the day time who smked,mainly old boys.♫and another one bites the dust
blimey netti. must have been a cloudy day when I sent it.!(:O)
sunnyside up robinia..the piccys in the post...hehe..!that kip dont hang about these days..she must be on that whatsit face..! still waiting fer maggies pic..lays back in deckchair and twiddles thumbs..
YO its sunny weatherman....tut.(*_*)
What a chilly night that was, I never put a duvet on til Nov22nd but could have done with one last night. Today glorious and sweti, but have put all the swimming things away for the year, and am emptying pool, as it is really a bit too cold for me to swim.. Do you realise that Mr N has not been in pool all year! Mad!!!
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Didnt he tell you about the yo he put in the pool netti...?(:O)

Where d'ya think I got these from then Vinny???
I am doing my best with the pic Vinny Did you like my little dog? Just been out for yet another meal with Jude. My fault I love food!!!! Well they do say happiness is egg shaped. CH is working - hurrah. I have put my balaclava away until later. Still using the fingerless gloves though.
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Hiya maggie,I did love your little dog but he refused to pee on the curtains has I had instructed.Clearly needs some training.jumps and rolls over for robinia..well tickle my sunnyside up then... .ooh...stop it I like it..!Woof Woof...(:O)
Afternoon All can't tell you what I've been up to Maggie's already done that. lol Our other lunching friend is in sunny Spain at the mo she tell's us she's missing us but not the weather.
I'm off out tonight for a change going to our usual haunt with another friend who lives 2 doors away. I miss me rockin' and rollin'. It really helped to keep me weight down. Maybe I'll get a dance tonight. C.H. is working a treat now . The plumber who put his foot through the ceiling has been and fixed everything and painted so I'm a bit happier.
I hope you are feeling better Robi and you Shaney hope the shingles are/is getting better too.
See you later :o)
Get a grip lad. The dog's parents can't afford curtains in their kennel. Affording the carpet was bad enough lol.
Too much tequila... I'm sure we're in Meccxxchhhhico but I'm damned if I know what we're doing here...? Or which hat jno is hiding under, for that matter.

It's getting colder; I haven't worn socks since spring but today I wish I had'em on. Bare feet - is that why Robinia won't come out? She hates them - she says. Well all I can say is if she hates them so much why does she keep a stash of these in her bathroom cabinet? It's a fair question.

So... you couldn't click the best-city-in-the-world link, Vinny, and yet you come to Stockholm to do the upgraded version of your Barnstaple trick in the opening of this video... well well... shouldn't have sold your alpaca should you. / Was your dog really half wolf or is that just an expression?

That is one well behaved dog you've got there, Maggie, made me feel like Victoria Sitwell (is that her real name?!) Speaking of dogs, again, my nephew used to date a girl who had dozens of pet names for her dog, all beginning with "mummy's": Mummy's darling, mummy's little boy, mummy's big boy, mummy's sweetie pie - before long the dog firmly believed his name was in fact Mummys and that was all he'd listen to when they tried to call him in. My nephew (just a lad at the time) found it so embarrassing that he developed a special technique of whisper-shouting Mummys! Mummys! ...hoping that no one would hear him except the dog.

PS The name of the song is Stockholm this night (you should know we don't behave like that in the daytime!), it's a "double" love song, about a relationship but also about this city.
say what?

Bye now!

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