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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
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Obviously Hija and I did not lynch anyone. We lunched.
nothing much left to fill, neti, they've all been filled and refilled for 60 years. But it all went painlessly and though he said it might ache for a while when the anaesthetic wore off, so far it hasn't.

Must be off to Heathrow to pick up our next guest soon.
Glad to hear it went well Jno. Teeth are the devil. We went shopping at M and S this morning to avoid the bottle wagon, so have got pulled pork inna bun for tea and fruit jelly. Its so cold here we have had the heating on all day.
Been cold and miserable here too and have also had the heating on all day .
Mr S went to the hospital today to see the professor who has formally discharged him.He was very pleased with him and said he should have another endoscopy sometime in 2019 just as a precaution.
Did shopping.Had dinner and watched whispering Dan all accompanied by background drilling and hammering so had to listen through headphones and that's it for today .
Glad the tooth inspection went well Jno . Time I went to bed .
Night all.
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Good morning. Congratulations to Mr S. It's been a long journey.
And RIP Mohammed Ali.
Oh I had some weird dreams last night. I do wonder what goes on in my brain sometimes.
Morning all
Bit warmer and a glimmer of sunshine now and then .
I can remember my Dad waking me up with a cup of tea about four in the morning to tell me that Cassius Clay ,as he was known then ,had won a fight .
He'd listened to it on the radio in the middle of the night .
oh lets hear it for formal discharge!!!
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I remember getting the telphone company to give me a call when his fights were on (only the 'enery ones) in 1963/4 (can't quite remember) and I went to bed in knee high boots because I had to get up to watch the fight and didnt want to treat on spiders, I never put the lights on. My dad thought i was completely loopy! There was no one else living at home!
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Getting warmer here, nose is running completely wild, really really annoying!!
Did the usual shopping and brekkie. Then my best friend's cousin who owns the racehorse is here with her alky husband and wanted to meet for coffee and a moan so I traipsed down the village and waited and waited sending whatsapp messages, zilch, nothing, nada, I was furious then about an hour later she text me saying she had to wait in for the delivery man and her phone froze. Well, that another half hour of my life I won't get back, so *** her, and she's someone I just cant take too!
Aargh, computer seems to have a virus - the antivirus was switched off, which wasn't my doing. I am wrestling with iPad and trying to contact Stan the computer man but I suspect he's on holiday in Bulgaria again. So I may be silent for a while.
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Jno! Did Gino ever show up again?
It got out a lovely day here after all.Quite warm and sunny all afternoon so got lots of washing dry.I've ordered myself a rotary drier for the garden as heaving that line up when it's full is getting too much and I no longer have muscles like Popeye.
Plus ,I can just pull it round and peg out instead of all that walking up and down with me basket .How lazy is that
Hope you've all had a good day. I hope Stan turns up sometime Jno. Perhaps he's gone on holiday with Gino :)
Night all.
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Good morning all. Hope you slept well.
Shaney we brought a very strong and big rotary drier here from UK in 1994 and although the it's been restrung a couple of times it's still going strong. Sometimes I get dizzy when I spin it round too fast. I also have a long normal line at the side of the house with a proper for big sheets. Love my washing. In winter Mr N has to haul it onto front patio as it's too shady on the side.
Morning all, here I is...dull but considerably milder, very little sun yesterday but lovely to shed a layer or three.
I was busy with my sis on Friday and busy doing I don't know what yesterday. All I do know is that I had a terrible dizzy spell at teatime, tut.... probably the change in air pressure.

That's great news re your wrist Jude (I've come out in sympathy, mine's got a big black bruise on it) and I'm glad you're having a lovely time whizzing around the country.

Speaking of whizzing, will you and Mr s be going for a spin on the new drier shaney? haha...tuck your skirt in your bloomers. I'd like one to have for the winter because there's no sun at the house end where the line is but then I'd have to walk on wet grass.

I opted for extraction rather than root canal and although it was traumatic it was the best decision, it stopped the pain in my jaw. It still clicks sometimes...or that might be me tutting.

oh! sun's just come out.
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Its got hot now, we just walked to Cafe Sydney in the Marina for a light picky lunch. And am now resting in cool bedroom with fan on.
comuter seems to have fixed itself after I unplugged it and plugged it in again, but I would still like to know who disabled my antivirus. So I think I will cancel my call to Stan, take 600mg ibuprofen and monitor the situation. Still no sign of Gino but as we are busy for a few days I'll let it lie. Lovely day today so we took our guest to see the newest sights of lOndon, incluidng a tour of Spencer House and gardens, which is open for the first time in seven years. (No wonder, the garden is nothing special, but the house is very grand.)
hello all. I gardened my brains out today. Finished giving the tortoise pen a good clear out and put the tortoises out and filled 5 planters for the Queen’s birthday display at the front. So glad to get the torts outside....yesterday I cleaned out the room. The carpet is covered with a waterproof tarp then covered again with towels, so all towels lifted and put through the washer and fresh towels laid. Today before I could get them out, they did what torts do over EVERY BLOOMING TOWEL :( I mean I love them but that is taking liberties. Sis arrives on tuesday so tomorrow is big housework day.
It's been a lovely day here .Warm and sunny although the old sea breeze was a bit chilly along the seafront where we had a toddle along and a crab salad in the Beach Cafe .There were some hardy souls having a swim in the sea though and quite a few people on the beach.They must have thicker blood than us.
Did me good to get an airing though and I zonked on the sofa after watching Penny Keith's new series At Her Majesty's Service on 4. Very interesting.She was at Winsdor Castle today, looking round parts that the public never see.
Glad you're all ok,hope you've all had a good day and goodnight campers,sleep tight.

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Good morning campers. Bright and sunny today. Same old same old. Hija just arrived home from lunch yesterday!
Morning...bright sunny. Frizz day but beneficial for arthritis. Hmmm, I'll be the judge of that, right now I need a good rub down with an oily rag. Must be a funny atmosphere 'cos apart from a spinning head I've not much of a signal on my tv's.
Hope you're all upright.

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