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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
Neti! activate your adblocker at once!!
I see Jno is being urbane and sensible over on Ed’s blog....
I spent the afternoon laying on the bed asleep. Rheumy flare up probably from this weather .We had prick and ding as couldn't be bothered .Mr S is watching men kicking a ball about .
We've been waiting over a week for some timber to be delivered.
Lol Neti ..I never get any pop ups.I just want someone to pop round and peel me a grape :)
You have to laugh at our Jno.Some of those who post in news are just looking for a row for the sake of it and would argue with themselves in an empty room if there was nobody else to rant at..I posted on a light hearted thread in there and someone tried to draw me into an argument.They got told :)
urbanity gets you nowhere when this place turns feral. Glad the Ed has told everyone to snap out of it.
Morning...very autumnal, breezy and'd love it neti. One man and his mower has turned up.

Sorry you feel crip shaney, this weather does algias and itis' no good at all. I confess to shedding a few (rare) tears the other day because I was so damned fed up of feeling lousy. I thought this week was going to be dry but they've already changed the forecast this morning.

They're my exact thought about all this fighting in News, I very rarely read them at the moment. I've even stopped watching most of the tv news. It's happened, the world won't end, time to calm down and carry on. They ought to channel their pent up anger and energy into something gardening... I've got some hedges in need of cutting. :)

Lol neti, you should have had a chat, you might have taught her something :)

You've probably already seen this, I'm often a little behind :)
I so agree....I am on a news blackout too. If I want to see noisy squabbling over very little, i will watch the starlings on my bird feeder.
perfect day for drying, sun and breeze.... until the minute I'd hung all the washing out, then it rained.

Major clearout of wardrobe last night, a couple of dozen T-shrts, jumpers etc delivered to the charity shop. In the course of it, long-forgotten gems have been uncovered - Great Exhibition official baseball cap 1851 signed by Prince Albert, that sort of thing. I think the fur hat came from East Berlin army surplus when the wall was being pulled down but I'm still waiting for a winter cold enough to wear it.
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Hello all
Very funny Robi especially the spiders Web bit!
Hija and I have been down the posh marina for lunch at Cafe Sydney where we obvious ly ordered way too much to eat. Walk home was a trial, we were overfed and tired and hot.
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Just trying to renew hija's passport online and the processing of c/card is taking forever and ever,,so I dont actually think it is working. So do I do it all again in the hopes that it hasn't been paid for?
neti, when that happens to me (it did this last week) I get on the phone and ask someone to check if it's all gone through. I'm not having a stupid computer plundering my bank account.
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I spoke online (free) and they said that when it goes through I will be able to download the whole application sheet. A friend here sent hers off 2 weeks ago all completed and it was returned today as the payment hadn't gone through. It is getting desperate now, hija's runs out on Wednesday, I have someone flying back to UK to post it there ensuring it gets there more safely than from here, but may not reach the deadline. I apparently have to go to my bank and get permission to spend!
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I am pretty fed up with this heat, Mossie or flea bites ( thall be from the feral cats outside who have now had drops on the back of their necks) and am not hungry for the feast Mr N has planned to cook up.
I did that last year Jno, and will do it again next year I expect! I never find any interesting stuff though. The hat and gloves I wore to meet the Queen went out a few years ago now and my wardrobe consists of denim and sweatshirts in winter and denim and polo shorts or denim shorts in summer.
It has been a *** day here again, many squalls coming over and much panicking from the dogs...however there is nothing forecast for tonight and tomorrow so I am being optimistic and have bought a lottery ticket. Tortoises are eating me out of house and home and sulking. Same old same old really.
oh except my new boots have arrived and are lush. Roll on winter!
Hello all
Rain ,sun,sun,rain ,then rain and quite windy too.So not much outside work done although they did bring the timber. I'll be borrowing Woofy's boots at this rate because it'll probably be winter by the time this is all finished.
Wish we'd never started really ,fed up with all the lumber everywhere.
Ooh I do love a clear out .I took four sackfuls of stuff to the charity shop a while ago .I always find though, that there's always one garment I hunt round for only to realise it went in the sack.
Football again shortly...groan .The germans had better win or it'll be very glum faces, and what a shocko for Djoko that was.
I think No 10 on your list just about covers it Robinia .

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Yes shaney the minute I am brave and pop clothes in the charity bag, I am then
on the hunt for the very thing I need and have to buy again!
Yes am supporting Mr S in this match shaney.
Just been in pool, it was lovely........
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Shaney am looking into converting downloads, so do you want me to redo The Americans so you can hopefully watch it on tv?
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Hija came home with a box of mixed sushi and a bottle of Chardonnay and we dined on the patio with fairy lights around. Then I swam in the nuddy and then came in, she having gone out. I could get used to this indiscriminate drinking!
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Well done Germany!
You could have swam along the road here earlier Neti .We've had a humdinger of a storm but it's gone out to to sea now.
Yes ,thank goodness they won in the end .Mr S was hopping up and down and lurching from one end of the sofa to the other.
I've watched three episodes of the Americans already .It's Ok on the computer,I can put it on full screen .It's very good.
Very sad about Caroline Aherne.Only young .

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