Quizzes & Puzzles0 min ago
Electricity In Dubai?
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.
Morning...it's bright, sunny and blue skies here. Despite a bad shoulder I've been plate spinning and managed not to break any ....so far. I'm about to peg out, I'll think of you as I carefully select non matching pegs neti.
I hate tinnitus, especially when I get out of bed to track down the running/dripping water that doesn't exist.
I hate tinnitus, especially when I get out of bed to track down the running/dripping water that doesn't exist.
Hello all
Lovely sunny day here and quite warm in the sun if you face west out in the garden out of the chilly breeze.I sat out on the tete for a while with a cuppa when I came back from the clinic.
Good news there Woofy and hope your knee soon settles.
They've bandaged me up again and have put a honey dressing on it this time so am living in hope that it helps it to heal as nothing else seems to work.
Lovely sunny day here and quite warm in the sun if you face west out in the garden out of the chilly breeze.I sat out on the tete for a while with a cuppa when I came back from the clinic.
Good news there Woofy and hope your knee soon settles.
They've bandaged me up again and have put a honey dressing on it this time so am living in hope that it helps it to heal as nothing else seems to work.
Afternoon each. All the best with the honey Shaney. Hope it works. I have chronic indigestion at the mo. Went for lunch with my Tai Chi friend and all I had was a lovely carrot and coriander soup and a warm crispy baguette with butter. It was lovely but had to raid the gaviscon box. I must have eaten too quick or something.
I've cut the back grasses since I got home and dug up a few weeds here and there. I'm getting in the mood to fill a few plant pots. I have a few geraniums in the shed about ready to come out, just hoping the frosts are nearly done.
I've never had tinnitus. It can't be very nice especially if you have it all the time.
Just watching Countdown. I only watch it when someone is have a good run of wins. There's a woman at the mo who's doing quite well. When they've won about 8 times they go on to a playoff.
I've cut the back grasses since I got home and dug up a few weeds here and there. I'm getting in the mood to fill a few plant pots. I have a few geraniums in the shed about ready to come out, just hoping the frosts are nearly done.
I've never had tinnitus. It can't be very nice especially if you have it all the time.
Just watching Countdown. I only watch it when someone is have a good run of wins. There's a woman at the mo who's doing quite well. When they've won about 8 times they go on to a playoff.
Had a strange little man ringing my doorbell earlier, he was carrying an open laptop on his arm, he wanted to ask me some questions. Said he couldn't see the screen in the sunlight and looked towards the house, so I stood him in the garage, then I didn't speakee da spanish so he left. Guess just casing the joint, we get a lot of them here now,
If he'd been younger, handsomer and waving a full bottle of wine, I'd have grabbed him by the collar and forced him in the house, but alas........
If he'd been younger, handsomer and waving a full bottle of wine, I'd have grabbed him by the collar and forced him in the house, but alas........
good luck, shaney, your leg sounds awful. There must be something somewhere that will treat it, even if it's only a rare Chinese herb only ever seen by Tibetan yak herders.
neti, I get the cicadas too. I have them all the time so I don't really hear them unless I listen for them. But I don't hear anything else much either. It's not so awful, jude, though being part deaf is never much of a help socially.
I went to the exhibition this morning, but didn't bother cutting my toenails again for it. Then we went to look at the mirrors in Covent Garden
https:/ /www.co ventgar den.lon don/ref lect-lo ndon
and then the Palmyra arch in Trafalgar Square
http:// www.bbc .co.uk/ news/uk -360707 21
(I'm not in the photo, when we realised Boris was going to be there we ran and hid in the National Gallery and only came out after he'd gone).
neti, I get the cicadas too. I have them all the time so I don't really hear them unless I listen for them. But I don't hear anything else much either. It's not so awful, jude, though being part deaf is never much of a help socially.
I went to the exhibition this morning, but didn't bother cutting my toenails again for it. Then we went to look at the mirrors in Covent Garden
and then the Palmyra arch in Trafalgar Square
(I'm not in the photo, when we realised Boris was going to be there we ran and hid in the National Gallery and only came out after he'd gone).
I wouldn't care if they put eye of newt and toe of frog on it .I just want it gone !
That all looks interesting Jno but I don't think I'd be too good with all those mirrors..I'd be crashing into myself. It's confusing enough looking in the bathroom mirror and wondering what went wrong.
My Sil used to suffer with tinnitus and she was very deaf.Have you never though of getting a hearing aid Jno ?
That'll be the hot bread Jude .We used to scoff the hot rolls straight from the oven when I worked at the bakery and suffer afterwards.I eat toast cold too and dip it my tea like my Dad used to:)
That all looks interesting Jno but I don't think I'd be too good with all those mirrors..I'd be crashing into myself. It's confusing enough looking in the bathroom mirror and wondering what went wrong.
My Sil used to suffer with tinnitus and she was very deaf.Have you never though of getting a hearing aid Jno ?
That'll be the hot bread Jude .We used to scoff the hot rolls straight from the oven when I worked at the bakery and suffer afterwards.I eat toast cold too and dip it my tea like my Dad used to:)
excellent. I've quoted the OED at them, which won't shut them up. Shaney, yes, I got a hearing aid a couple of times but they didn't really work, they made the cicadas louder along with everything else. The good ones improve the frequencies you have trouble with, but the cicadas operate on lots of frequencies, so it's just as if everything is rather drowned out.
I quite ike cicadas, they remind me of summer on the hillsides when I was young. But I liked hearing people speaking too.
I quite ike cicadas, they remind me of summer on the hillsides when I was young. But I liked hearing people speaking too.
That's a shame about the hearing aids not helping Jno.Mind you my Sil was left deaf by having TB at a young age so was used to having one permanently.
She used say the tinitus was irritating though and made louder by the aid but she only used to get it in fits and starts and only recently really.Well ,a couple of years before she died of course.
Well done Woofy....chuck us a slice.I love sourdough bread.We sometimes get one one from the local bakery but it's quite expensive at nearly three quid a pop.
Is Borisgate still rumbling on...lol.He is dodgy. I don't care what anyone says.I think it was Eddie Mair who called him a nasty piece of work over that thing with Guppy and the newspaper reporter. They say politics is the last refuge of a scoundrel, and that's precisely what some of 'em are.
Ah well ,drugs and bed time ..night all.
She used say the tinitus was irritating though and made louder by the aid but she only used to get it in fits and starts and only recently really.Well ,a couple of years before she died of course.
Well done Woofy....chuck us a slice.I love sourdough bread.We sometimes get one one from the local bakery but it's quite expensive at nearly three quid a pop.
Is Borisgate still rumbling on...lol.He is dodgy. I don't care what anyone says.I think it was Eddie Mair who called him a nasty piece of work over that thing with Guppy and the newspaper reporter. They say politics is the last refuge of a scoundrel, and that's precisely what some of 'em are.
Ah well ,drugs and bed time ..night all.
Good morning all.
Don't think I've tasted sourdough but sounds right up my street!
How strange I had posted that I once tried a hearing aid but the feedback screech was dreadful so gave it up.
Overcast today. Hopefully the sun will come out at some point as I left a lot of washing out overnight as it was not wet exactly but cold, you know what I mean? If I had a damn drier it would all be put away by now!
I hope the indigestion, headaches, cicadas, knees and shaney's leg are all feeling better today.
Don't think I've tasted sourdough but sounds right up my street!
How strange I had posted that I once tried a hearing aid but the feedback screech was dreadful so gave it up.
Overcast today. Hopefully the sun will come out at some point as I left a lot of washing out overnight as it was not wet exactly but cold, you know what I mean? If I had a damn drier it would all be put away by now!
I hope the indigestion, headaches, cicadas, knees and shaney's leg are all feeling better today.
MORNING!... am I the only one who can hear a pin drop even with the tinnitus? It's about the only thing I have left that works.
Another glorious one but there was a light frost first thing. Yesterday was so warm, I'd asked the gardener if he had a couple of spare hrs to do some odds and ends for me. He'd said yes but I thought he didn't sound enthusiastic and wouldn't come but he turned up in the afternoon so I was out there 'helping'. ie holding the bag open for weeds and nettles :) I leave some for the wildlife. I could do with him here every day for a fortnight.
Oh dear, have you been upsetting the natives jno? It's good that some people are passionate about politics and I try to take an interest, especially this past 2 or 3 years, but some just seem to argue the same point over and over again.
I narrowly missed some UKip canvasser at the door yesterday teatime. I'll do what my bro in law does, just tell them all I'll vote for them.
Another glorious one but there was a light frost first thing. Yesterday was so warm, I'd asked the gardener if he had a couple of spare hrs to do some odds and ends for me. He'd said yes but I thought he didn't sound enthusiastic and wouldn't come but he turned up in the afternoon so I was out there 'helping'. ie holding the bag open for weeds and nettles :) I leave some for the wildlife. I could do with him here every day for a fortnight.
Oh dear, have you been upsetting the natives jno? It's good that some people are passionate about politics and I try to take an interest, especially this past 2 or 3 years, but some just seem to argue the same point over and over again.
I narrowly missed some UKip canvasser at the door yesterday teatime. I'll do what my bro in law does, just tell them all I'll vote for them.