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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
Morning all
And a Happy Birthday to you Woofy.Have a lovely day and many happy returns .Hope the sun is shining for you, lovely morning here. sun here, too cloudy

Happy Birthday woofy. Have a lovely relaxing day. Normally I'd sing but luckily for everyone I don't have much of a voice with this lurgy.

Lol @ neti's cake.
Thank you all, we are lolling around this the weather from hell coming in later so it may not be a good day for carousing.
Looks like rain/storms will be heading this way later and tomorrow. I think the birds know something's coming, they're feeding like fury.
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Oops not your 25th as I put. Was in a hurry, have a super day,
Sam Cam's stylist to receive an OBE? Would that be the one who sent her off to formal do's bare shouldered, bare legged, no hat? Tut.
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A free spirit!!
Hahaaa...Tut indeed .If my personal stylist did things like that me she'd be getting an OYB. On yer bike.
Not that I have a stylist ,can't get the staff these days.
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Well shaney at least you did have an imaginery butler. What was his name?
I can't imagine having someone to tell me how to dress, I can do it perfectly well on my own. Occasionally I ask hija's opinion but rarely!! O am Mr Ns advisor as he sometimes wears clashing colours and all I have to say is Noo you look like Keith ( who was a friend who always got it wrong). Nuff said.
Heavens, August already and birthday time too. I can't send cake via this tablet, I can only send best wishes.

Sweltering here in Strasbourg and looks as if it will be nice in the sunny south east of England once I get back at the weekend, so keep it up, chaps.
O yoohoo Jno .Not sweltering here unfortunately .Rain and more rain this evening ,looks set in for the night.Hope you're enjoying yourself.
Oh yes Neti, poor old Lampwick .
That's what I used to call Mr S and his tin tidying in the pantry and fridge and freezer sorting when he first retired.That was a flash in the pan,they're back to being bunged in any old how.
Better get some beauty sleep.I seem to need a lot of that these days.
Night all.
So no more Mr Tidytins then Shaney?
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Good morning all.
Hope you had an enjoyable day yesterday woofy!
Mr N can have a sudden tidy tin moment which means he's in a tetchy mood, but wish someone would sort my fridges out , they are stuffed.
We are supposed to be having a day out but I find it too hot!
Morning all
Cloudy but dry atm.Thunderstorm later according to Accu.
Lol Woofy.I was always looking for things that had been moved elsewhere.I said if he wanted to stack tins he could always get a job in Tesco:)
Hope you're all ok .Nothing doing here .
Had a Walk in the Black Forest this morning. Didn't buy either gateau or cuckoo clocks.
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And we are back.... Mr N and I frolicked in the Med off Playa den Bossa beach and as it wasn't a Sunday it was quiet and pleasant. The wind was bringing in all sorts of yucky rubbish in the sea, plastic mugs paper, I didn't hang around long enough to see what else, we laid in the sun for a while and then met hija in the countryside for a quiet lunch. Hija drove me home and Mr N went to chang a tap, I swam and put all beach gear in the washer and am now resting!
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Tomorrow I am defo going to village for a coffee and I need to stock up on poke balls as I have none!
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to bring jno closer to us, awww!
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Farewell dinner tonight, we get transferred to Switzerland in the morning rather than going straight home. No early starts for excursions, will just stroll round town and eat fondues and chocolate.

In a lock at the moment, don't know if wifi will work.

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