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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
ah, Peter Pedant has returned. Goodness knows what that was all about.
Ooh that'll be lovely .Long time since I cruised the Rhine.
Hope the antibiotics work.You don't want to feel poorly while travelling .
PP is back then.Someone with an itchy trigger finger no doubt.
Not so stifling here tonight ,it's cooled down considerably.
Trip into town tomorrow to the job centre so that Mr S can get his form stamped to prove to his german pension provider that he's still alive,then a bit of shopping on the market.Long time since I went north over the bridge.
Night all.

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Good morning all

Oh jno that is a medium cruise, how lovely.
We are having a day out but in no hurry so am having a lie in and a cuppa. Oh I wonder if I'll have to show that I am still alive to keep my UK pittance.
Good moaning...fresh and cloudy.
Guess who didn't turn up yesterday? Why do people think it's ok to just not appear when they could let you know with a simple text? I gave him the chance to say no when I asked him if he could do the job. He'll be sorry when I win the lotto and I've got money to give away and he's been fired :)

Have a good time jno.
Oh that’s a nuisance of you are cruising Jno. That antibiotic is the only one that sorts my sinuses so I have to use it with caution....and yes not being able to get sloshed every night is a great crimp in the style..
I have got the dentist today. Its a new one because my old one has gone off to live the high life. I hope he’s ok. Have a good day all.
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Woofy how do you know which antibiotics jno is taking?
most teeth seem to get the same antibiotic, metronidazole. It is already turning my system upside down, but perhaps I drank too much fizzy water with it. I shall go for still water today.
Because he said he had to avoid his tot of rum Neti. There are a small number of antibiotics that are used for what they call anaerobic infections....where you get bugs in places without access to air like sinuses, inside the ear and round the mouth and teeth generally. Most of them make you very very violently sick if mixed with alcohol. Some people find they give an upset stomach anyway. They are pretty much the antibiotics of last resort for this stuff and I know if they cease to work on me, then I am stuffed.....been told that by the dentist and the GP.
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Oh that's one I haven't tried!!
Hello all
Nice day.Started off cooler but has warmed up and humid again .
I think that's the last time I'll be going into town for a while.Rammed with grockles and screaming ankle snappers.
Got what we wanted apart from runner beans for which I'm blowed if I'm paying 2.99 a pound for and got the bus home pdq.
That's a pain Robinia .At least the electrician finally turned up yesterday.
Hope you soon feel better Jno.Antibiotics of any kind give me the gips.I had a months worth of them earlier in the year for my leg and they made me feel rotten and did b all actually :)
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We've had a lovely day. Brekkie at the famous old Anita's bar in San Carlos, then swimming at Cala San Vicente beach, then a cooling beer in San Joan, and then lunch in our favourite place Ses Arcades which is in the countryside and eating outdoors in the shade under flower covered archways! Then we came home as it was so hot and we both swam in pool then collapsed in the cool!
My new dentist is ok. This is very good news.
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Woofy that is excellent news!
that is the best news this side of a Lotto win.
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.20.17 and still 30° I am soo hot, and eye is streaming non stop! Most unpleasant.
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That's just reminded me, I have forgotten to do the euromillions for tonight. I bet all my numbers come,up!!! Grrrrr! I don't do online. I am a luddite!
yes it is good :) I have had some dreadful dentists in my life and I am just too old to tolerate stuff.
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Good morning. Have dreadful pain in my right hip! Really hurts to sit or stand but eases off after about a minute. Mr N has finally painted the wall backing onto our pool, it's the neighbours. I am putting trellis on it to make it more presentable. The trellis has artificial ivy on it (horrors I can hear you all scream!)
Has jno gone to row row row the boat yet??
Hope you are all ok.
Do not mention grockles to me they are guides here and awful, especially the Brits. Large fat red things in scanty clothing, and men perspring shirtless and sitting in cafes. Yuk!
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Of course they are not guides they are guiries!
Morning all
Raining and much cooler.Only drizz though.
Join the hippie club Neti ,mine is permanently painful. I'm still waiting for the letter for the xray.I'll have to go the surgery and see what's occuring.
Not much doing here,just waiting for a Sainsburys delivery.

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