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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
Oh no, I can still remember the smell and feel of amami. Our mum used to load it on to our unruly locks (no conditioner then) until it went stiff and dry...if that wasn't enough we'd get a dousing with hair lacquer from a pink plastic bottle. We could have gone through a hurricane and come out looking pristine. Mum never used fly papers, she had us. :)
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Nothing could control my hair so Dad gave me a pudding bowl cut with his dressmaking shears! horror of horrors.
Have emailed you a photo of us en famille today just so you know who I talk about! Not you jude cos you've seen it on FB and am still not sure of your email addy.
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Oh dear doesnt the photo work for any of you!
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think its gone ok now.
very nice, though I was hoping to see a photo of you driving a steamroller over a sewing machine
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Sewing machine has been put back in cupboard and it'll stay there now for a while!! ooh shudders. That was nightmare but it all looks ok
Morning...just when I was getting used to the heat it's gone. It's very fresh, I've got goosebumps this morning. The gardener will be pleased though, he's (hopefully) coming to finish off the hedges.

I bought some curtain fabric over two months ago, it's still in the bag. One day I'll get a round tuit.
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Good morning. Yea that's it Robi. I had to knuckle down and get it done otherwise it would be in the packaging for ages. Now have to make pillow cases out of the remaining fabric to match the bed.
What a dire night on telly last night. Luckily I had some progs downloaded on tablet to watch.
haha, I shrieked when I read the tv listing, James freakin' Bond?! Of course I was talking to myself, hey ho. :)
my curtain fabric is now 3 years old and I found curtains in the sale instead :)
Morning all
Yes bit fresher today but nice and sunny .Washing whirling and I'm waiting for an electrician .The lights in the hall and landing blew as I switched on upstairs and the switch was funny to touch.Made me jump so better safe than sorry
I watched that art prog with Fiona Bruce where they investigate paintings to see if they're the real thing. It was really good.
Lol.. Neti sewing machines are to me what like gardening is to you .
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I think sewing machines and gardening are both a curse to me.
Am sitting and sweltering in the 31° heat wearing rubber wellies as I saw a cockroach know the patio. Terrified they will run over my toes!
I had no choice but to convert duvet covers into curtains as I like them matching. Mr N came home and saw them hanging up and said "there, you enjoyed that didn't you," I nearly swatted him!
I got the duvets from Lidl Neti. Mr S went and purchased them for me.
They're lovely ,Gute deutsche Qualität !
Still waiting for the sparks to turn up .
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We haven't actually had the duvets here as yet, but at 31° I expect they wouldn't sell! How much were they?
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Hija's new passport arrived on Friday by courier. Now have had a missed call from them saying they have to deliver another passport, I can only assume it is the old one being returned, why couldn't they stick them both in same envelope? The courier price is ridiculous!
£9.99 each Neti.Very thin summer ones 3 tog I think.
Nicely stitched with a border.
These ones
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Very nice shaney. No haven't had them here yet. I think I am OK for duvets at the moment. Just threw out a Spanish double as it had a sort of crackly paper cover. Was most uncomfortable and noisy. Also a huge square German cushion. But a women behind me snatched them up and a king size fitted sheet which was slippery. I always leave good things on top of the containers for people to take.
Corsodyl hasn't worked so antibiotics now for my infected gum, which means no alcohol for a few days. If I seem unusually grumpy you'll know why. We are going cruising on Wednesday too, and I shall have to go without my tot of rum. Bah.
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Cruising jno?? A long cruise or a little cruise?
up der Rhein, neti, Amsterdam to Basel.

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