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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
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Poor Martha, she really didn't have a clue did she? There was a huge uproar oN twitter when she left, people asking that if she couldn't come back, then a spin off of her life in Russia. I did wonder if she hadn't been got rid off! It's the best series yet in my opinion .
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Oh Robi a spider, DO NOT SEND IT OVER HERE, we have our own biting ones to deal with, but they are in the gardens. Toe/nail seems OK just jagged and a bit sore but can't trim it anymore. Have to wear peep toe sandals but won't take long.
Apparently hija's passport is on its way!
Still stifling .We got a few flashes of lightning and a clap of thunder about an hour ago and some gnat's piddle.Looking at the map it seems to be drifting out to sea.There's a west wind.
I've done nothing today,well ,nothing that needed any quick movement :)
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Good day all. Phew it's a hottie today. Mr N took us to lidl in San Antonio and I got some new duvet sets for hija's room as they don't sell them elsewhere, it hasn't caught on the islands yet. Usually get them from UK. We walked the narrow streets and I bought 2 pairs of plastic sandals,, we each bought sunglasses at 1€ a pair,, then we drove to San Juan and had a menu del dia which was pleasant and refreshing. Back home I gathered in all the bedding off the line and folded it, had a quick swim and am now in bedroom. It is so hot I thought I wouldn't make it through the streets. I had to buy an extra duvet set as need to make matching curtains but that's for another day!
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Off early tomorrow morning (7.30) to have brekkie and then nose doctor at 9, hopefully I'll know what is happening.
dentist says I'm okay, don't have to have any teeth amputated, jut brush and floss and corsodylise, but he's prescribed some antib's just in case.

Ah, this explains the insect life round here (neti, you might need to shut your eyes while reading)
Thank you so much for that information Jno.
I don't need ants in my pants :)
Another warm one here although not quite so humid as the last couple of days.
They've got the bed linen here too Neti,at Lidl from Monday .I'm going to get the duvets .The meridiso feran ice ones 3.7tog.
Knowing my luck it'll probably turn cold on Tuesday.
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The pillow cases are strange. They button up along the bottom edge, don't much like that so I'll see if I can rearrange into normal ones. The last set of bedding I got was German too from tchibo, lovely too they were but the pillow cases,were huge square things so I rearranged them too, I have a lot of rearranging to do. I also bought a medium size cover for when sissy comes as she likes a medium size duvet on a single bed so I won't have to change all the curtains when she comes now. I got the multicoloured striped/zigzag ones. I like bright colours!
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Lidl had some warm looking things but way too hot to even look at them. I was worried they'd be sold out but going to San an meant missing out the veiled women who usually snaffle the lot! It does get like a war zone, with things being thrown higgeldy piggery in the wrong sections. And the sizing threw me this time as their measurements are bigger,,the medium duvet cover was called a grande and I was confused until I saw the King Size! Now all I need is time, space and the energy to rearrange them all.
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Good morning.
Am at hospital awaiting nose surgeon.
" it's the fi all countdown!
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Final that should be. Blooming hospital WiFi! Mr N is with me for a couple of hours, hope am not much longer.
right, we are orff to the coast to watch a little America's Cup sailing. The plan is to head for the BBC marquee, where it will be sunny, and avoid the Accuweather one, where it's going to rain.
oh, good luck neti, best nostril forward.
Morning all...will the makeover on here include a Flouncerbank category?

Good luck neti.

I was too busy yesterday and I'm still shattered, sis and b-i-l came and did some gardening for me and I had to help clear up. It wasn't too hot, it clouded over in the afternoon. Got one man and his mower coming today, weather permitting, it's overcast at the moment.

Have a good time jno.
Hello all
Nice day. My computer is up the swanee so am typing snail stylee on my tablet. I think the screen has died a death.
Hope all ok though.
Good luck Neti.hope they can finally sort it for you.
Have a nice day at the seaside Jno .Tiddley om pompom.
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Young surgeon very nice, he explained in pidgin english what he was going to do and said he hoped but can't guarantee 100℅ that the op will stop my eye watering and cheek swelling and also they do not operate in August as too hot for recovery and heat encouraged germs, so it's Sept or Oct for the op.
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New beddingnlooks nice but have put up thin white curtains as CBA to make new ones ATM!
Went to Chinese hairdresser and they asked if they could use a photo of my hair on the walls but not locally. I said yes and got a free hair cut.
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That shot off too early. I would liked them to have coloured it but I am doing it now!
Have done a pile of ironing. Loads of washing (where doesbit all come from) I've mended some clothes and had a swim and now relaxing.
grumpy call from a friend who got a new Zanussi washing machine in March and it's just died. The repairman said it was the fifth one he'd seen today. They've all got touchscreens rather than buttons, they're all made cheaply in China, and the electronics go phut. Fortuantely it's under guarantee but she is not impressed. Zanussi forsooth.

Lovely day on the coast though dark clouds at lunchtime, and Red Arrows swooshing overhead. Watched some yachting thenm went to see the Mary Rose, which is now properly on show for the first time since Henry VIII as its timbers have finally dried out.
Morning ...good luck with your future op neti, hope it works for you.

I had a Zanussi washer, it was brilliant, not a day's illness until it finally passed away aged about 16. Sadly they don't make 'em like they used to.

Another warm day ahead. We haven't had any of the rain they threatened us with. I overdid the sun yesterday, I wasn't out there that long but I wanted to do a bit of snipping before the mower man arrived and the sun was on the back of my head. Came over right peculiar I did, I had to sit in front of the fan clutching an ice pack for about an hour.

Keep cool.

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