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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
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Good day. I had a zanussi washer and loved it until it wouldn't work one day. Mr N had a look and it had caught fire underneath. We didn't have a clue. Floor tiles were all black. Luckily laundry room is outside on its own.
Up early again and found the last duvet set so I can make fuller curtains. There was an opened kingsize which I was trailing around but Mr N found the other one. Am now basting and pinning and cutting.
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Its taken me 2 hrs to make one curtain!! Machine tension playing up, material not the best to be chopping about and I'm all fingers and thumbs.
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Just finished 2nd one. Oh jno you son kbiw how true that is!! What a mess I get I to. I did sew the body of the curtain to the heading so had to undo that, then the tie of my sarong got sewn up too. But just going press them bow and hand the drattd gings.
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Just finished 2nd one. Oh jno you son kbiw how true that is!! What a mess I get I to. I did sew the body of the curtain to the heading so had to undo that, then the tie of my sarong got sewn up too. But just going press them bow and hand the dratted things.
too hot here for work of any description. Does anyone know what happened to a well known pedantic ABer? said person has completely vanished and my question (unsurprisingly) was removed too.
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If I waited for the weather to cool down I'd never get anything done. Am well pleased.
And did the doc ever return?
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I see I am posting rubbish again and twice!!
no idea, woofgang, but his answers are still in place. The last one was deleted. It must have been outstandingly offensive to have got him banned, considering the slime that pours on here every day.
all his answers had vanished earlier....I wonder if it was a mod with an itchy trigger finger?
We have just eaten peas picked from the garden...very nice.
Hello all
Been another warm day .Computer screen fixed .I just plugged the old one back and it worked.I've told Mr S to not turn the little button off .It's hardly going to save any leccy. All very high tech:)
Hope you're all ok.
I expect you're relieved to be getting your nose sorted at last Neti.

What's happened to PP ? He's a nice man.I love reading his posts ,he often had me in stitches .Narty narty of them .
all his answers and his profile are gone....most odd.
Blimey...just managed to access his profile by the back door....all his questions and answers have been removed and he’s banned. I cannot imagine what would warrant that!
oh yes, everything gone. How peculiar. What can he possibly have done?
I hope he’s alright.....I know he’s been very unwell.....
He's often said he was undergoing treatment for an illness.
He was very entertaining with his anecdotes .I don't know why people say they couldn't understand him.He's obviously a very well educated man.
I can't see him being offensive to anybody deliberately .He seemed a laid back sort of chap.
apparently Gness and Sunny Dave have left too.
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Good morning. Why is everyone leaving? Hope I'm still here! Had a lie-in, was nice.
Has the doc returned ? Having a quiet day with lunch in the country hopefully.
Morning...I'm still here although my mind has wandered off, I slept too much last night (makes a change) and now I can't wake up.
The answer to your Q neti is no.... not yet.
I can't shed any light on pp's disappearance either, no one(mod) seems to admitting to a mistake....hmmm?

You've probably already seen this lovely dog....

Morning all
Still warm.Bit hazy out there.
That's brilliant Robinia.I haven't seen that before.
I see it's the end of the line for the shampoo and set .Better stock up on Amami :)

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