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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
only works for the under-20s, woofgang, sorry. It's to stop biddies walking under buses.

Nice hot day today, so we went to visit Eltham Palace, a mixture of medieval and art deco. Pleasant gardens too; the plants haven't all curled up in the heat yet.
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Woofy took 24 hrs for Pokemon go to install itself. Servers were down as too busy.
Jno I love Art Deco but can't stand anything medieval or gothic way too dreary.
that sounds like a good mix Jno, a mixture of jewel colours and good shapes?
Phew's hot .I've been to Eltham Palace .It's lovely.
My bro took me to the hairdresser then we drove down to the sea front and sat there for a while and had ice cream each.I was longing to rip these socks off and paddle in the sea.50 years I would have just stripped down to my bra and pants and gone for it. Not many people on the beach though .
I don't think the ankle snappers have broken up yet.
These sort of people are total swines Woofy .I'm glad you got sorted though.I was just reading on the news about some poor lady who had her card stolen and the thieves spent her life savings in one day .
You have to be so careful these days.
My name is Shaney and I've never played a computer game...
Night all.

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Good morning. UK is going to be extremely hot today. I sympathise.
Hope you are all ok, was pleased to learn that Robi was relaxing on a sunlounger things are looking up.
good morning. Too hot here already.
Morning...didn't sleep very well last night, by the time I'd cooled down I was wide awake.

I wouldn't know what to do with a Pokemon. The only 'games' I play on the computer are Freecell, Spider Solitaire and the occasional bubble shooter thingy.

Phew what a scorcher :) It's 26 here already but it's only for a day or two so hopefully we'll all survive. I don't think I'll be lolling outside today, even in the shade. I've brought the fan down to check it still works. Keep cool.
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Everyone around town is Pokemon hunting, it's fun to see them all walking in strange directions. I tried but damned if I'm going to go after them, they can come to me. And have just caught Pidgely also in the room room. Cannot chase all over the town in flares and platforms!
Hija has just gone out so I've quickly plugged in and used the sewing machine and done a pile of ironing ( bedding etc al). Have to domi5 when the opportunity arises. Hot here m'dears!
Hot here too.
We thought about a walk to the seafront but thought better of it .
Could have got a bus but would be probably be full of grockles so I've sat in the garden and have had to come in now as it's too much even under the brolly.If we had this weather continually in the summer it would be alright 'cos you get acclimatised but a two day heatwave is sapping.
Hope you're all tickety boo though .I've been reading about this pokeyman and am none the wiser .I don't even like board games much apart from Scrabble let alone computer games.
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I'm not acclimatised even after 45 yrs here, just can't stand it but you learn how to cope and what to avoid.
Yes it's stifling here too, even though there's a breeze it feels like a hot air fan. I have to keep refilling the bird baths, it's evaporating. I love to see them sunbathing with their wings fanned out.
I might have something chargrilled for tea, I can cook it on the garden slabs :)
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When I first came here we used to cook eggs on the patio tiles, first of all to see if we could. My brother refused to eat them!
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I have hurt a big toe by opening the door of the undersink cupboard in the bathroom and I was wearing platform shoes and it has torn my lovely painted pale orange nail to bits and it very painful, now can only wear open toed sandals,
I did an Ibiza special tonight and retired to my boudoir early after a nice cool slosh.I left the curtains shut all day and there was a lovely breeze coming off the sea through the open windows.I had two bugs visit ,they didn't stay long though!
Watched The Americans on my tablet .It was awful when they shot Nina Neti .I really thought they were going to let her go.
Watch that toe for goodness sake.I'm paranoid now about anything with feet and legs
Goodnight all ,stay cool.
I like the heat, though I glow a bit more than I used to - but far better than icy, chilly, short winter days. I strolled around town camera in hand, then for dinner I had a chateaubriand voucher so we went out and had one, with fat chips and champers. I ate my share, OH did not and got a doggy bag to take the leftovers home. I feared we would be followed by ravening wolves or starving asylum seekers or something but we made it okay. Someone is going to have a chateaubriand sandwich for lunch tomorrow, I suspect.

Tomorrow: exhibition preview. Thursday: dentist as yet another tooth is playing up. Friday we go down to Woofgangshire to lwatch the America's Cup trials and maybe have a peek at the new Mary Rose.
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Good morning all.
Yes shaney I was shocked when they shot her, and there's more surprises to come. The Ibiza way of bedtime is to swim or cool shower/bath, and go to bed wet! I find it funny how at night when the temp drops to 21° we find it very fresh and chilly, but friends on waking up in UK find 21° warm!
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Jno you exceptionally energetic for such a hot day, ssslllloooowwww down!
I could do with going out, havent been out for ages, but am going out for lunch today with a old school friend of hija's who we haven't seen for 16yrs. Not that I'll eat much as it's way too warm.
Yes I think I should look, after my torn nail and toe as am diabetic and apparently I have to take care, actually just looking at it it seems fine, just ugly.
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Woofy, Robi and Jude, hope you are all ok and surviving the heat. Apparently you are due thunderstorms and a month of rain soon!,
Hope doggies and torts are all alright,
Good morning glowing ones....oooooooh, ouch neti. I hate nail things. I can't even bear to type what a friend did to her big toe nail, it makes me feel funny. It took months and months to get better. I'm trying to be careful, I'm either bare foot or in flip flops at the moment, I usually wear filled in shoes, I feel steadier with my feet securely contained.
Very warm but, yes, storms are on the way. It's lovely to wander around in bra and pants...probably not a good idea to clean the windows. :-/

Big black jumpy spider in the bath this morning, it was livid when I caught it in a glass. I've deported it, it's en route to the Balearics.
Hello all
Phew,still hot .Supposed to be a storm later which should clear the air .Hope it rattles through quickly. I've always loved the hot weather but these days it doesn't love me.
Hope you're all ok though.
The Americans is great Neti .I'm up to the bit where poor Martha is sent off to Russia.I was nearly in tears.How awful how they used her. She's a superb actress .I hope they make another series.

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