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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
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Have to say I don't know how I keep clicking on best answer.
Morning all...oh yes, I might get to cast a layer of crimplene this week, I'd better starch a cotton kaftan.
It was so dull, muggy and headachey yesterday I nodded off every time I sat down. I thought someone had spiked my sanatogen.

That was nice shaney. All I once had after complaining was some apologetic foot shuffling.

I've been finding cherry stones in my garden this week, must be one hell of a pea shooter you've got there neti.

good morning all. I had one of those nights last night where you just cannot sleep. Finally got up to feed the dogs at 6.30 and then we all went back to sleep for a couple of hours. Can’t see much happening today except new microwave coming at lunchtime.
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Haha Robi no pea shooter involved, just my gob!!
I've used my fake tan. Went in the bathroom white and came out an Indian!!
How nice to know when a delivery is due and that bit actually happens.
We arebwaiting for hija's passport to e geluvered by DHL. Not holding out too much hope!!
Morning all
Lovely so far .Looks as if it's going to be humid again though.Wearing these compression socks in the heat is worse than a pith helmet Jno .I suppose I could always take them off, lay on the lawn and wave my legs in the air.
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To be delivered. Think I just swallowed a cherry pit.
new microwave is here. Its one with a grill in. Except there is no grill tray with it, no advice on what to use and a caveat that if I use the wrong dish in it and damage it, it invalidates the guarantee GRRRRRR so its going back.
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My last microwave had a grill, useless thing that it was, and I was given high and a low metal racks for it,,which,of course meant that I could use any container in it.
We had a lovely family paella, then a couple of swims, then a siesta. I now have a wine headache!
It was noted how tanned I had become!
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Do you know that is not a million miles away from how I feel I look. Natural white hair is getting whiter and whiter in the sun. Its the first time I've been tanned since forever. I feel as though I fit in now!!
It's been a lovely day here and I poodled in the garden for a bit but it was hot so collapsed on the tete under the brolly and read my book,watched the birds and glared at the fence.Lots of swallows wheeling about.
Had cold meat and flat chips for tea .
That's a nuisance for you Woofy .We've only got a basic microwave. It's a Samsung and was a freebie when we had a new kitchen put in when we were in London so it's done us well,touch wood.I only use it for the odd prick and ding though or making porridge.
Better hobble up the dancers and turn in .Night all.
Morning...overcast but the sun's appearing. It got so hot yesterday I had to stop what I was doing was the swifts that were screaming round here.

That's annoying woofy. My basic microwave is a Samsung, they must have been good ones, I've had it for longer than I can remember.

Better get moving before it's siesta time.
Morning all
It's a hot one.
Mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun and so do dizzy dames 'cos that's just when my hair appt is at 12 noon. At least it's near the seafront so might be a bit cooler that way ,it's like a sauna in the garden already.
Keep cool.
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I'm always out in the midday sun. I do my jobs have my coffee and chat with the locals, totter home and then do the ironing, hoover, mop through and am now eating cold gazpacho soup with croutons, delicious.
At coffee an old Brit from next vullagebwho thinks he's something special, obviously didn't recognise me and was going on about living her and drank 2 beers in 10 mins before he went to do some private electrical work (can you imagine!!) And was showing off and as he was leaving said in a loud "look at me " voice. I've lived here for 19 yrs and waiting expectantly for our gasps of wonder. So I said I've been here 45 yrs this week! He looked aghast and shot off!!
its meltingly hot here. happily i did the ironing yesterday. I found out today that somebody has been nicking my tesco vouchers. I logged on to my account on friday to buy my new RAC membership and found I had only got £15 instead of the £55 I expected. Anyway i phoned them and nice man said oh we haven’t linked your accounts properly, I will do it now and check on monday. So I checked today and the total had gone up to 45 quid but still a tenner adrift so i phoned again. very nice patient lady offered to go through all my vouchers and check the codes to see if I had used any. Anyway I told her the first code and she said “oh that was spent on a gym membership” When I had finished laughing, I said well that wasn’t me....ok she said i give her the code and she said oh that was spent on a young person’s rail card.....anyway she checked through my account and 24.50 had been stolen. The e certs to claim the rewards had been sent to an email address that was spookily like mine but not mine. She is refunding the stolen points to my account. I reckon it was an inside thing....someone trolled through the accounts looking for ones that aren’t used often (mine only gets accessed once a year to buy the RAC membership) and having a little dip.
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Gosh woofy its everywhere isn't it.
I've just caught my first Pokémon! Its Squirtle and he was right by foot indoors. But now I have to actually go and walk outside to find more. Hmmm??
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Surely woofy they can trace the people who have used your points. ie the gym boy?
Oh dear woofy, it isn't your week. I hope they trace those who used them. Full moon tomorrow might change your fortune, it looks like it'll change the weather, storms forecast for Wed. It's hot out in the sun, I dragged my padded lounger out and lolled under the cherry tree.
Yup, she said they will cancel the gym membership which should be fun for the person when they turn up at he gym!
I can’t get pokemon to load on my ipad :(

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