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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
Shaney if you want something around 8 feet tall, the distinction gets blurred. Evergreen or deciduous?
oight oight all's a dismal one. My sister can't come out to play because she's full of cold so I'd better get busy being domestic, its going to be hot for a couple of days next week.

I can come and stand on a box and waft about if you like shaney but I won't block much of your fence out. I like viburnums, I had a couple until the viburnum beetles munched them into lace. I like cotinus (smoke trees), I've got a red one at the bottom of my garden but anything deciduous will drop leaves on your grass and you'll be able to see through it all winter. Variegated holly? Get a grafitti artist to paint it? Or buy a summerhouse, you can sit in it on your tete and watch the rain. :)

Or....Top idea :)
you could always make a feature wall of it
oh no, all the dreadful news of the last couple of days and now this

A Hitchin lady sitting in her garden had the shock of her life last night when a pigeon was seemingly shot off her roof.
It's ok, the culprit's getaway car has been located
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Good day.
May I remind you that this is MY thread and its about electricity and not gardening grrr!!

jno that corrugated factory looks a tad like my humble garden! I wish mine were more organised and pretty but water is so scarce here we dare not waste a drop unnecessarily on pretty plants. Lots of posh houses are getting knocked for having unnatural lawns and flowers which take so much water and although they are pretty it's a waste of good water to water them. Even the golf club uses recycled water and it stinks in the summer!! If it grows naturally we leave it , thus we have a jungle!! Once the natural wells get so low that the sea water gets in we've had it for nice fresh water ever again!!
Here endeth neti's blog of moaning!!
Hello all
Love the links especially the handbag one .
Yes, it'll have to be something evergreen to hide the eyesore of wood and metal.I've got some viburnum at the front and it grows quite quickly too .I need rapid cover :)
Hope you're all ok .....
Sorry Neti ..I'll just go and change a plug :)
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#How many kinds of sweet flowers grow
In an English country garden?
I'll tell you now of some that I know
And those I miss you'll surely pardon#

Feel free to singalong..... :)
Daffodils, Heartease, and Phlox,
Meadowsweet, and Lady’s Smocks,
Genteel Lupins and tall Hollyhocks.
Roses, foxgloves, snowdrops, blue forget-me-nots
In an English country garden....tralalala..
Fireflies, moths and bees
Spiders climbing in the trees
Butterflies that drift in the gentle breeze
There are snakes, ants that sting
And other creeping things
In an English country garden

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covers eyes and ears
How can you use a poor maiden so??
aaargh, there are also ants that fly, again. Having a quiet Pimm's on the terrace, look round and there on the curtain inside it's swarming with little black demons. This time there were also hundreds of them outside. I have been spraying powdering, stamping and hoovering and I think they're mostly gone, but ugh, creepy. Maybe the warm weather brought on this second wave.
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I ate some cherries in the bedroom and left the bowl of pits on the floor for maybe 10mins, it was swarming with them, so had to spray everywhere and hoover.
yes its flying ant weather here too....happily the ants don’t seem to know.
I now have visions of Neti reclining in her boudoir eating cherries .
Did you do tinker, tailor,soldier, sailor, with the pips :)
Very humid here.Picky schlepped up and cut the grass for us and made minor adjustments to the shed so that worth a cooked dinner.
A knock on the door from the lad next door with a bunch of flowers and a bottle of wine and an apology for the noise last night ...What noise ?
He said he thought he and his friends were a bit loud after coming home from the pub and were making a noise until 4 am .We never heard a thing.Sweet of him though .Though I did say if he was annoying me he'd know about it :)
We've put up with all the banging and hammering so a few tipsy lads are no problem.I know all about tipsy lads ..haha.

Tiptoe by the garden,by the garden of the willow tree,come tiptoe throught the tulips with me ..just for you Neti :)
Night all.
goodness, it's going to be in the 30s early next week, I may have to get out my pith helmet.
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Morning all. I like tiptoe through the tulips!
Hija waanout late and I couldn't sleep so at 6am I was sweeping patio and putting on the washing. Could have a cuppa as hadn't taken my thyroid tablet and havento leave 20 mins after taking it before drinking. Lovely and cool it was then.

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