Crosswords2 mins ago
Welcome To Weather.Whether the weather be good, or whether the weather be bad, whatever the weather you can always chat about it here.
You’ve seen Babet, now here comes Ciarán https:/ / /news/u k-67258 915 ...
Loud instrument for an instrument
Fifty on board vessel. Swell
Hybrid makes 1000 longer...
This is the worst spring weather i can remember. Anyone remember a similar one ?....
lot of cloud cover, no direct sunshine yet it's as hot and humid as hell, not nice at all.
Does anyone know why it has changed its format. Instead of getting a nice 10 day table showing weather, temperature, percentage change of rain, humidity all on one a 4 sheet - it only shows a long...
If you live in a mountainous area near to rivers and streams, is it not a forgone conclusion that some time or other you are going to experience some sort of flooding, sometimes worse than other...
Apparently there were 48,000 lightning strikes last night in the UK.
https:/ / /news/a v/uk-49 097167/ lightni ng-stri kes-the -uk-dur ing-the -night...
http:// en.blit zortung .org/li ve_ligh tning_m aps.php ?map=12 ...
http:// en.blit zortung .org/li ve_ligh tning_m aps.php ?map=12 ...
Warning for some of us. Scotland, North and mid Wales and the NW of England look to be in for a bit of a wild weekend with snow aplenty. I use the site linked and find it is pretty accurate. We went...
Has it arrived in your area yet? It's wet and overcast here. No sign of the Siberian weather, as predicted by the alarmist press.
blizzard here..nooooooo !!
While out walkies in the morning the moon is never in the same place ..Why ..and only on one morning have I seen stars on the horizon usually high in the sky .Theres wan for...
Its a bit early for this storm to begin, at least according to the forecast this morning......but its getting very wild indeed ! High winds and ferocious rain.
Pity our poor sailors today !...
There have been a number of Newspaper Reports which would have us believe that Hurricane Gaston will hit the UK on Saturday with 70mph winds. The stories are based upon questionable information from...
not changed much since last week,has it.
how is it in your area????