i know most of you hate it but i'm shamelessy addicted to it!! who is/are your favourite and least favourite this year and you favourite and least favourite out of all the series?
when that idiot pete or something, the second person came into the house, i turned it off as i wanted to go into the house and punch his face in. hate the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think his story is desperatley dad and he has no real confidence in himself or thinks that anyone will like him and he over compensates....although i have never seen tourettes (sorry bout spelling of that...!) like that.... i liike him! i cant stand that nicky girl who nearly had a fit about bottled water! I couldnt believe people took her seriously and didnt just tell her to shut the f**k up!!!
I have to say Pete is my favorite and I think he's got a pretty good chance of winning. I do quite like Richard (such a hunk, shame he's gay). Think my fav girl would be Grace - my least favorites are Shebaz and Nicki and think one of them will be the first to go
I agree about Nicki.!!! What a spoilt little girl, who acts like that in the real world.!! I quite like Imogen and who thinks Mikey looks like a young georgie best!!! Anyway guys and gals you only have another 13 ish weeks left of BB7 to go, world cup fever to get over with and hey Davina may give birth live on channel 4, ooh er mrs!!!
Shabaz is an idiot! Can't believe the way he spoke to Glyn bless him! Totally agree about Nikki, but find it amusing that people actually take notice of her! I love Pete, even though he can't control what he says, most of the time it's what other people are thinking anyway!! He's fab!
I cannot stand Shabaz at all. Yes he�s gay, so what? He doesn�t have to keep telling people. No straight people have to keep reminding others. When Glynn was saying he doesn�t want to be touched by blokes he was making it into a big gay issue and then in the diary room when deciding who to give the next hat too he said gay people should stick together and he was giving it to Richard. If a straight person had gone in there and said �I�m giving it to a fellow straight person� then there would have been an uproar. Unfortunately he cant be next out but I�m sure that when he is up for eviction people will vote him out. And I�m not to sure who my fave is. I quite like Dawn, she seems quite down to earth and very wise.
i can't stand shabaz he is turning the whole gay thing into an issue when no one else is making an issue of it!! i love pete i think he's fab, if anybody gets it on i think it will be imogen and somebody pos sezer