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ToraToraTora | 21:23 Thu 27th Oct 2016 | News
29 Answers
Katie roughs up the CNN presenter!


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I am not sure any prediction related to UKIP is stretching things too far. We'll be imagining punch ups in the European parliament next ...
She'd be ideal for UKIP I'd have thought. Let's face it, UKIP is never, ever going to be popular to the extent of winning lots of seats much less forming a government. Their place, if they have one, is to be a high-profile irritant coming out with populist and controversial policies. At the moment they risk going back to the Roger Knapman days of being all of the above apart from the "high-profile" bit.
This individual would keep them in the news, if nothing else.
Policies like the one more people voted for than what you wanted eh?

Keep chomping through that pummet.
Um, I was thinking more of policies like:

"Let's paint trains in 'traditional' colours"
"Proper dress code for going to the theatre"
"Make the London Underground Circle Line circular again" (I can see where they are coming from on that one - Baker Street probably)

ichkeria.....iI seem to recall that those were included in a previous UKIP Manifesto, one that Farage, in one of his many terms as UKIP Leader, said was "complete drivel"

Of course, none of the present UKIP plans are drivel now, are they ?
Yes the 2010 manifesto. They'll need some new ones though. Straightening out the Northern Line maybe :-)
Ichkeria....lets start the evening with a good belly laugh !
Mikey, this thread has gone off track somewhat. I'd complain if I were you. You do when people do it to your threads.
Thanks Mikey: I could do with a laugh after a day trying to restore my old laptop :-)
Mind you, I do have a sneaking admiration for Nigel: there aren't many party leaders who'd be honest enough to brand their entire manifesto as drivel.
The problem is, he was right. The candidates up to succeed him seem to lack that essential quality of a sense of humour which you definitely need to lead UKIP. Experience as a boxing referee also desirable. forgot to add "Cat Herder" to the job description !

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