This has all been made much more difficult than it needed to be.
Article 50 should have been triggered as soon as the referendum result was known, we could have just walked away then, and invited those that wanted to trade with us, to come and talk.
All this diplomacy nonsense has got us nowhere. I said on an AB thread in July last year, that we would be sold down the river, and it’s looking like it’s going to be even worse.
MP’s will vote for what THEY want. People like Anna Soubry who have done nothing but whinge whine and moan for the last 18 months.
The constituency I was living in at the time of the vote, voted out, but the MP was a remainer. I don’t doubt he will vote for himself, not his constituents.
Mrs. May is a gutless, spineless, weak PM, and although I am no fan of Donald Trump, having watched his speech last night and listened to him putting his country and it’s citizens first, am left wondering why we can’t have a PM who does that.