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A Lapidary

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Khandro | 11:01 Wed 12th Jun 2019 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
After seeing this picture I learnt that a lapidary is a cutter of gemstones . Can anyone tell me - or even hazard a guess what he is doing? I see he is squatting on a stool behind an instrument which resembles a sort of toast rack and is holding a wire in his left which is threaded through them and a wand of some sort in his right. Thank you.


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Out of cutting, engraving and polishing, the man in the picture looks like he would be engraving, if any. A total guess.
Actually, that's probably more accurately described as a bow-lathe.
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Thanks Jack, there seems to be no 'mark as best answer' showing, but you get the cigar anyway.

I see from the picture that his left-hand isn't simply holding the spindle, it is in fact holding the gemstone. Great! thanks again.
I saw similar workshop near Taj Mahal. No mechanism :(

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A Lapidary

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