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Water Is Very Hot

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fruitsalad | 18:27 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
4 Answers

I have had 2 new thermostats on the hot water tank, one renewed a month ago, water was fine, for a bit but a month later and the hot water is scalding hot again, any ideas what the problem could be



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I remember having the same problem many years ago. Makes no sense, does it?

All I could do was to put it down to a bad batch. Thermostats are notoriously cheap and nasty. Try a different make. Preferably a more expensive one.  😗



Make sure no one has accidentally turned on the immersion heater.

Another possibility is that as you put items into the airing cupboard you accidentally brush against the thermostat, and turn the temperature up.

Read any literature you have about the thermostats as they may be set too hot , you may be able to turn the control down.

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