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If Fewer Than 1% Of The Population Are Actually Trans, Why Is There Such A Big Push To Force This Ideology Onto Children

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Khandro | 12:40 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | News
92 Answers

It appears that the stats were fiddled by the pro-trans lobby.

Has any other tiny, insignificantly small group of people gained so much public limelight?



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Untitled you ae wasting your typing. naomi is now in a corner and will argue black is white to get the last word. Sensible people can see that every kind of 'Tribe' will have its saints and its sinners. Any educated person can discuss issues and look at both sides even if they totally disagree. I personally don't think you can change the gender you were born with but that does not give me the right to be disrespectful to those that do. 

No corner here either, Auntypoll.  Just some inconvenient truths - the very reason you've resorted to personal attacks - again. 

None of the fans of sexualising children under 10 seem able to tell us why it is necessary to explain to primary school children about the different categories of sexual preference. At that age they are more worried about their toys. Why do some on here want their young minds cluttered with confusing things about sex? Surely the focus is on the 3 'r's at that stage.

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Does anybody on here find a man dressing up as a woman, either funny, entertaining, or aesthetically pleasing?

naomi, resorting to personal attacks ? Not an attack dear, an observation. 🤣🤣🤣

Khandro ,no...but it never was supposed to be like that, think danny la rue and co. Its the new generation 'lady boy' types that want to look 'realsistic' but they never quite get there. Good for them though, it really has no impact on my life nor stay in my thoughts very long.😊

Auntypoll, having offered nothing of any substance yourself, it's a poor observation. 


The fellow in my link put it rather well I thought.  //The message seemed to be that if a child we are counselling tells us they want to transition, we should simply ‘affirm’ that position. To challenge or explore the issue with them could be seen as ‘conversion therapy’ or possibly even ‘transphobia’. //


And that is exactly what is happening.

auntypoll please address my point at 12:47. Why do you think children under 10 need to know about all this LGBTQ+++ etc stuff?

Initial treatment should be a clip round the lug, escalating to a kick up the backside if all else fails.

My god, if you can't have a drink or a fag until you're 18, this sort of madness should be out of bounds to anyone under 30.

Tora children don't need to know, I have no objection to teachers giving age appropriate explanation as to why some people feel or are different. It can avoid bullying and confrontation . Most on here are getting their information from the press , gutter or otherwise 

Naomi 'And thats whats happening  ' according to whatever media source you choose to believe . 

It isn't 'according to the media'.  I only wish it was.

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If Fewer Than 1% Of The Population Are Actually Trans, Why Is There Such A Big Push To Force This Ideology Onto Children

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