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Is It Wrong That Me And My Work Colleuge Held Hands When Walking To The Pub Together He's Married

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abbeylee90 | 19:52 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Family & Relationships
79 Answers

We are very good friends but meant nothing to me. It was his leaving do I messaged him after I got home to make sure he got home ok.



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Exactly Naomi!

Auntypoll -  deep breaths, deep breaths lol.......

Auntypoll, I've gone back for ex- colleagues leaving bashes - and for Christmas parties. It's not unheard of.   Perhaps it's best you've lost the will to live.  Your abundant use of emojis suggests you're succumbing to hysteria.

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No-one is forced to contribute to this or any other thread so rather than posting only to mump about there being a thread, just ignore it.

It really isn't that difficult!

Naomi, I'd read abbeys post again if I were you before accusing me of hysteria. I know it's difficult to decipher. I asked her why it ( holding hands) might happen again and her reply was " Auntypol incase someone else leaves and he comes such as mine.". To me that means " in case someone else leaves ( work) and he comes ( to the party) such as mine )(Her leaving party) 

hope this helps as your reply to me makes no sense. I find it's always better to carefully read something before trying witty replies. The recoil can sometimes sting 😂😂😂

Auntypoll, I suggest you read my post again.

abbey, if you enjoyed his attention, feel flattered and crave more of it then  (just as was the case with the hi-vis older guy from the dogs' home), let him contact you if he wants and see how it goes from there. You're young free and single and want a man for company, love or maybe just a physical fling or relationship. He's the married man, it's his choice if he wants to take it further.

I don't even hold my husband's hand, let alone someone else's. 

Don't message him, you have absolutely no reason to. 

NMA - that's very dangerous advice. Whether A bey is single or not she KNOWS this man is married, so to just say leave it and see if he contacts her is mad. Before she knows it she could have some incredibly angry wife on her doorstep!

Naomi wrote;

' Auntypol I've gone back for ex- colleagues leaving bashes - and for Christmas parties. It's not unheard of.

im sure you have but that has absolutely nothing to do with what abbey and I were discussing 😂😂😂

I wouldn't do it smowball, but I think abbey likes to fantasise and craves attention so she will enjoy leaving the door open for him. He may never get in touch but she can always enjoy thinking about what might happen

Newmodarmy, l don't think you should be encouraging abbey to have an affair with a married man. She has enough problems in her life......I mean...what would she wear for a start off? 😆

Auntypoll, at 22.10 yesterday you said //Why would someone who,has left a company come back for some one else's leaving party? You've lost the plot and I've lost the will to live 😂😂😂😂//


Speaking of losing plots ....

'Very good friends' from simply hanging around at work for a few weeks?

An affair with an imaginary man and the intervention of his invented wife would ultimately be unsatisfying.

I wonder, Abbey, do you ever think of the impression you might be leaving in the minds of the other people you work with? 

What do you imagine they think of you, holding hands with a married man while out on a bender, constantly flirting with men you barely know, wearing some very questionable clothing (tarty, revealing, too young for your age). 

You may know for a fact that you are an innocent soul, but the impression you may be giving might be that you are anything but innocent.  

Do you care what others think of you - or does it not matter to you what they think?

I don't even hold my husband's hand, let alone someone else's. 

Yeah Jimmy Carter was the first to do it - hold wifeys hand " the steel magnolia" in public 1977-81

My deah late mother exclaimed -  it makes my flesh creeeeep 

I've always held my wife's hand. My parents were the same

youngsters ! in love!

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