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Good morning ABers

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4GS | 09:25 Mon 10th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Anyone up and at em yet?

Looks like we're in for a chilly week, better get the old thermal underpants on


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Morning JL, yep its a bit parky up here but at least the snow didnt lie. May have to purchase a pair of thermals as this will be my first winter in Bonnie Scotland!
freezing here, mind you the central heating and hot water broke down yesterday morning so its jumpers and hot water bottles all round!
good morning john
very wet here in your old stomping ground. Not sure how cold it is out yet cause im still in my warm bed with the heatng on :-) i might just stay here!!!!
Morning john sweets, I am sat waiting for workmen to arrive.Not relishing it though as it's going to be messy. They are taking off damp plaster in the dining room and injecting the wall , then replastering , plus they are resealing and renderring round the outsides of all the back windows as that is where the wet is getting in . I have had this repoted to the housing officer repair line several times now for over a year , and they choose winter , 2 weeks before xmas to do it !
Hope you are well . Hi gravitate and warpig :-) xxx
Hello cazzz and unrulyjulie , hope you are both ok , it's very rainy here too :-) xxx
Not so cold here where I am in London. Very damp and mildish.
Left for work early and it was dark dark dark!
poor u!!!

its windy and wet here in sunny solihull, dull, and dreary

ugh, having a coffee and a bath to cheer myself up

then shopping

happy xmas everyone
Morning peeps :-)

It's really cold here today (near Oxford), I'm going to go and buy some gloves at lunchtime. We rarely get snow here, but it feels like we might today.

Why does the weekend go so quickly? :-P
Morning bigmamma, hope the repairs go ok, but I doesn't surprise me that it would be at this time of year, sod's law! ure/Question492516.html

lets all ban this for being abusive, hes sick

thanks xx
morning everyone.

Its very cold here too and the heatings been on already.

Little CRX is lying under his duvet in bed and refusing to get up!
It's cold here but the sky is blue and the ground is dry so I don't mind :) You ok John? :)
Awww , little CRX has got the right idea :-D xxx
if hes like this at 2 years old, can you imagine what he'll be like when hes in his teens though :0

Plus its a shame he didnt feel like this when it was time to go to bed last night or at 3am lol
Red, given half the chance I would be under my duvet refusing to get up too! LOL

If I were you, I'd climb in there with him in fact :-)
thanks for banning that sick thread from gravitate!!! didnt take long did it xxxxx he he

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Good morning ABers

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