all we can do is talk about our views on subjects that are brought up - but if you think that is pointless or irrelevant, I am not sure why you use AnswerBank (or specifically the news section)
Before you go off on one of your anti AOG rants, please let me explain.
You took my comments completely out of context.I was merely answering this one statement you made, I was not inferring that our views on all subject are pointless.
You haven't stated your view on this, but let me state mine - I have absolutely no issue with having white parents of black children or vice versa.
To which I replied
Our own personal views are irrelevant.
And the fact is that they are in this particular situation.
Because the point in question was the fact that agencies will not normally place a Black child with a White family, and no matter what yours or mine personal views on this particular situation is, they are irevelent because they wont alter the status que.