For the last 2 weeks my 9 month old son has been waking up cryinig, I put him down in his cot and an hour later he starts to cry, I try everything to sooth him (teething gel, changing his nappy ect) and he still screams the place down and when he finaly does calm down he's wide awake. So I've had hardly any sleep since it started, has someone please got some advice to get him out of this I'm at my wits end and I don't see my health visiter until Thursday. Thanks xx
you need to keep night-time activities as quiet and low-key as possible, so there's nothing to take his interest. no lights (if possible.. or keep it low), no sounds, little contact (after doing the nappy if necessary and teething gel assuming he's teething) and no rewards. does he have a dummy? I'd say give him a dummy. it's not the end of the world and you could take it away in a couple of months.
Once you have made all the usual checks and are satisfied all is well, then controlled crying is the only option. This has become a habit with him and although it is torture at first it does work. Check first with HV if you have any health worries with him.
try giving him his bottle in his bedroom with the lights off then put him to bed if he is still wont sleep turn your face away from him and rub his tummy or leg so he knows ur still there then when he looks sleepy stop leave ur hand there for a few mins then quitley leave the room do the same if he wake in the night no talkin and no lights thats what worked for my daughter! its so hard when they are not sleep through!!!