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mans inhumanity to man ?

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anneasquith | 01:43 Sat 03rd Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
allegedly, via news channels tonight, the syrian troops refused entry to the red cross to enter Homs !how awful ?


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//Mans Inhumanity To Man ?//

I came to the conclusion long ago that the term 'humanity' is too broadly defined. While I embrace diversity, those who have abandoned rationality, through the initiation of force, have by definition evicted themselves from what it means to be human. War is an inevitable consequence of the inability to distinguish men from monsters and to form an overwhelming coalition to defend each other from the initiation of force to achieve a consensus of what is, in our capacity as humans, in our mutual best interest.

The inhumane, by definition, falls outside of the scope of what it means to be human. To know when that line has been crossed is to understand what disqualifies those who have stepped over that line membership within humanity and from any reasonable expectation of be treated as such.
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//To him, they are simply a problem that needs to be erased.//

. . . seemingly oblivious to the much more insidious problem facing him in the mirror.
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the third day now and still the aid is not getting through to these desperate people :(
It's a terrible thing the Syrian government is doing to the people of Homs. It reminds me of the Israeli attack on Gaza a year or so back when neither our PM or the American President could bring themselves to comment until the butchery was done.

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