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The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.

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sandyRoe | 14:25 Mon 16th Apr 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
160 Answers
While I'm not suggesting that the AB atheists are the worst, this line might explain why the atheist v theist debate seems so one sided.


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why? you asked me for sunnah that you so not have to follow. i have given it.
Sith //It [the Koran] says itself that not all practices have to be done. Most do, however not all.//

Where does it say that and which practices is it talking about?
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for gods sake, how many times have i said naomi on various threads. The sunnah and hadith are broken into categories. There are those you have to do, those you dont have to but its good if you do and also those which you should never do. In the quran it states this about the hadith and sunnah.

Birdie, ok, heres one, sometimes muhammed used to fast for days on end without eating food or breaking it. A few people attempted to copy him but muhammed said no, and that this practice is only for him. Thats why muslims should never fast for more than a day without food.
Sith, //In the quran it states this about the hadith and sunnah. //

I've asked you to give me the verses. I'd like to check it out.
gives you a few examples here:
Sith, I don't see any examples of what you're talking about there. Can you give me the Koranic references please?

it should work.


i cannot find the quranic references on google, but they are there. Regardless of this, my point is clear and this "debate" is not going to get anywhere soon, so i am finished for now.
No susprise there then. Au revoir, Sith.
adios naomi. if youre surprised though, why should you be???
Sith, I wrote just half a line and you misunderstood it. That speaks volumes. I said I'm not surprised.
i didnt misunderstand it? im just asking why you said it.
Sith, you're asking why I'm surprised. What did I say? Tell me.
//No susprise there then. Au revoir, Sith.//
See the 'No' there? That means I'm not surprised.
ok, not suprised at what???
Sith, if you don't understand four simple words within half a line of text, there's little point in wasting my time writing more. I'll leave it to your imagination.
Just kidding. I know why youre apparently "not suprised". Its easy to work out. But ill leave it there. ;)
becasue i know ive answered your question, and thats all i need. adios amigo.
That's some imagination you have there. ;o)

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The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.

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