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So What's Blooming In Your Garden?

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DSJ | 15:09 Sun 06th Jan 2013 | Gardening
17 Answers
We have cowslips & primroses blooming in our garden today, 6th January, but no snowdrops yet.

So what's blooming in your garden?


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Nothing springlike yet, but the daffs are pushing up - where are you, DSJ?
Weeds. But I have just been outside and pulled some up to reveal daffodils beginning to show about an inch. "If winter comes can spring be far behind?"
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Lincolnshire/Cambridgeshire border.
A few primroses but especially the winter jasmine which is really lovely this year.
Nothing :-( I have rabbits, they've eaten my garden.
Primula and I can see crocus starting to grow. :)

Also my camelia is starting to bud up.
Very little in the back because the chickens have scoffed the lot.

In the front I have some daffs and irises through. I rather strangely also have some achillea in flower and (you won't believe this) a delphinium.
My bluebells are sprouting, no flowers as yet though.
Mud, glorious mud.....not a lot else.
I've got over 100 leeks that look very edible..!
Grass, moss........and moss
Some Mahonia about to flower + daffs pushing through
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Nothing, even the chickens have totally stopped laying, just mud everywhere!!
Not blooming but two olives on my olive tree. Two small white daisy plants have somehow survived since May and have lots of blooms.
Winter pansies hanging on ... a few daff shoots appearing ... some lovely cyclamen in a sheltered spot
Primroses and yellow Crocus but like many folk no Snowdrops.

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