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Prince Harry Nice But Dim

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vernonk | 07:53 Tue 22nd Jan 2013 | News
172 Answers
how wise is Prince Harry to admit publicly that he's killed Taliban? surely he's now going to need extra the tax payers expense of course


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Still trying to spin your way out of it AOG, unfortunately it's a tail spin.

Still waiting for you to provide a link where he actually said "I killed the Taliban", not one where the media have put words in his mouth.

Best of luck with that search, you'll be there a while.

Got any more voiced-over Aussie commentary links lined up for us?

Also, why are the BBC reticent to use a "I killed the Taliban" headline, when this is more accurate?

Shame in there too though that they try a little bit of the Sky tactic of using an answer he gave to another question and twisting it into another.
you didn't answer as to whether you watched the news footage, if so can you clarify, otherwise this is pointless going over the same ground.
Another caption for that cartoon from the Mail

"Is that AOG out there, I need protecting from him......"
DT, he seems completely unconvinced that PH isn't rambo in disguise.

/// Have you watched the interview, AOG? ///

Yes when it was first broadcast not after it had been doctored.

As i pointed out in my first post, I was so taken back by what he had said, and then to confirm my fears regarding his safety, the press and the TV news also expressed their concerns, as did the OP it seems.

Why are people trying to deny it now?
my thoughts exactly!

not subtle!
Has it been doctored?
Now if you are now saying "I killed the Taliban" then no, but that is just playing with words.

he was asked if he had killed the Taliban and he said "yeh" which in any language means yes.

So the media are correct in putting "Prince Harry killed the Taliban".

If I asked you if you had posted the correct information information, and you replied "yeh" would I be wrong to put "ChillDoubt says he had posted the correct information", although you did not actually say those exact words?

This is the last time I will waste my time trying to get through to you.

Perhaps you should consider changing your user-name to "Doubting Thomas"

Yes when it was first broadcast not after it had been doctored.

Like the Aussie one you posted you mean?
how has the news footage been doctored?
The UK links I have found to the interview have been cut into subject matter mini-interview segments. Does anyone know if there is a full version of the original output or is it an interview that the worlds press has been given carte blanche to edit to meet their agenda?
BBC being a little more mindful of what he actually said? Hmmmmm

The salient points from the link:

Earlier this week he said he had shot at Taliban insurgents while an Apache helicopter co-pilot gunner.
In an interview released on Monday after he had left Afghanistan, Prince Harry admitted he had fired at people during his time in the country.

"If there's people trying to do bad stuff to our guys, then we'll take them out of the game," he said.
On his role in Afghanistan, the prince said: "We fire when we have to, take a life to save a life, but essentially we're more of a deterrent than anything else."

He said missions to recover injured troops were a key role.

"Our job out here is to make sure the guys are safe on the ground.

"Now if that means shooting at someone who's shooting at them, then we'll do it."

Looks like the sensationalism is over now he's actually back on UK soil.
Not a whiff of the 'k' word.

Fancy that.

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