Saturday Night and the doors of Nungate Towers are again opened in welcome to all Mad over fifties. For your delectation tonight's Hot Plate special comes by way of a special request, Minty just for you we have a delicious Toad in the hole (real toads of course) with onion gravy and on the pudding trolley we have apple dumplings and custard. We also have a fine selection of volly vonts and canopies. Our tailcock tonight is the Dragon's Breath, a spicy liitle number, and yes there is more than a hint of chilli! The Minstrels are already in the gallery, tuning up, in addition to their usual selection of madrigals and toccattas, they have decided to give us a selection of music from the Oscars - not too sure what they have in store for us but it could be worth a listen. Sadly the bungee is out of commission this evening, the new elastics haven't arrived in time to be fitted, but all being well it shall be restored to us next time. However, the hot tub is all fired up and the mini bar is well stocked up there on the North Tower, and I've opened up the games room, where we have all sorts of games and amusements on offer from snakes and ladders, to our billiards table, and the ten pin bowling alley has been set up down in the cellars - please take care not to upset Sir Cumference if you are playing down there, for a castle ghost he's very shy and easily upset. I regreet to say that Queenofmean will not be in attendance this evening owing to a prior engagement but I'm sure we will do our best not to miss her too much.
A warm welcome is assured for all who dare enter these portals
Doubt it Daisy, he's not among the brightest of spectres, he does like to keep to himself. I did worry about putting the bowling alley down there but he told me he was fine with it and wouldn't mind a tiny bit of company down there from time to time. He seldom haunts either, being agorophobic(?) strange sort for a ghost really
I'm sure he'd like that Daisy, but please tell Eric to be patient with him, as he can be very shy. He is interested in travel (go figure) so maybe Eric could tell him a few stories of life as a broom...(a flying broom that is)
Yes I am going to make it an early night and see if I can thank you for your hospitality and apologies for not being too vibrant tonight!
And I fear I'm going to desert you all too. The "get up and go" I had earlier has got up and gone. More honey and lemon for me and an early bed. Sorry to be such a misery x x
Oh dear, they're dropping llike flies! I must have this place thoroughly disinfected later Good night Mammar, I hope you feel better soon, cuccle in and have a good sleep, and hopefully you'll feel better tomorrow
Seems awfully early to be closing up Daisy, but I must agree with you. Don't know what's going on with all the hoo ha with the avatars and that blinking little box that keeps popping up telling me that I'm under attack! I'm menopausal who would even dare? ;-)
So if you want to toddle off home please don't stay on my account, I have best beloved and the kitties for company, and Queenie is away overnight, things do get very peaceful around here when she's away.... though I might hang around a while yet..
Cancel the carriages everyone has already gone. Not to much in the way of clearing up Igor, just leave it and we'll have an early night. The clear up can be done in the morning shouldn't take too long.