It was even more chaotic than usual. The stockman was leaving and on his last day he had a bonfire, lit it with the aid of petrol and accidentally set fire to himself. He managed to jump in the pond and was later taken to hospital (they didn't show any of this - Jimmy recounted it). It was a month before they found a new stockman and in the meantime all the animals kept escaping, at one stage they had to be fetched back from a couple of miles away, where they were in danger of running on to a busy road. Jimmy got drunk fell down the stairs and cracked his ribs. He invested �12,000 in a new road to prevent traffic jams on Market days, which they frantically had to finish during the market so that people could leave. Oh and he had two the caravans converted to house 100 rescued battery hens in the hope of selling the eggs in the farm shop. That's more or less it.