as i need to travel nxt week and dont have a credit card to pay only visa electron ba will not accept this.Is there an airline/website which will accept electron for payment? i need to go to australia...
Being turned down for an overdraft i applied online for credit report/score and spoke to their advisor.When my bank did the search they included my husband who has ccjsetc and i was rejected.Credit...
my daughters are off to california this summer.They will be staying at hostels and might like to do odd jobs.What kind of visa will they need and what is the cost? Thanks
i work for a well known high st retailer who have a disciplanary structure in place.Everyone feels it is grossly unfair and even if you are covered by doctors letters they can still sack you. You are...
we have been asked to pay back an o/payment of 500 plus for yr 2004/05.I recall reading in national newspaper that you wont have to from april. Can anyone help?
Both my daughters are university students and worked last summer and paid tax and ni.They will be working over xmas will they get a tax refund and do fulltime students have to pay tax? Thanks