My blokes mum left when he was young, he has never really wanted anything to do with her. His younger brother has seen her a few times as they've grown up. Anyway I went out drinking saturday night...
In my spare room I have one large window and then one tiny one probably about a 2 foot across. So what curtains should I get, normal ones for big window but what about smaller one?
Last year I moved into new house with my bloke. When we got the mortgage together he was still under his dads address and I was under my old flat address. We got the mortgage sorted really quick so I...
For those people living with their partners, do you have a joint bank account?, if so, after how long of living together did you sort out a joint bank account?
Reading the shampoo post I starting wondering if there was conditioner when I was younger. I dont remember mum washing my hair with it, just shampoo. And I'm sure that the combing of my hair wouldnt...
anybody else getting really fed up with mates asking you to vote for their baby, nephew, niece etc. If they have faith in the child getting legit votes they wouldnt need to ask. Someone is even trying...
When does the new england rugby shirt come out, want to get dad one for xmas but dont want another to come out before he goes to New Zealand for the world cup