My friend wants to go out tomorrow but wants to go to hers for 6 but I'm just thinking about money aswell taxi to hers then to town and back or go out with my parents.
Is my friend making excuses? I'm trying to meet up with her but she says she will let me but never does unless I txt her and she busy on that day bur eventually we do meet up
I thought I'd make a new thread so this man been on about in previous thread so I know from the dog's home had a strop other day as manager said he had to wear thier hi vi's vest with dogs home... ...
I had to try and change my driving lesson to an hour tomorrow but my instructor is coming from like an hour drive away so said wouldn't be worth it for an hour. Truth is I can't afford hour and a... ...
This girl keeps telling to stalk her cousins profile saying she worried where he gone as he disappeared off socail media and look on her sisters followers and screen every person with same past... ...
I work with this lady and she been in abit funny not her usual self with me like she sees walking to work and doesn't say anything or beep like she use to. I don't if it because I had to leave... ...
I'm going to dogs home tomorrow. This man I been on about messaged me saying he walked out this morning as the boss had a go at him for not wearing thier hi vi's with emblem on the back he thinks... ...
I just told my mum I got a lift with that mam from dogs home to get my covid jab she said be careful with that man he might think you like him one I was on about from dogs home. He took me for... ...
I've been offered a job from an agency in a warehouse Monday to Thursday 7.30-4.30 Friday 7.30-12.15 and its 2 buses away I need a new job but don't like sound of journey