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Hi there, I am under the impression that if a piece of electronics is faulty then the seller must replace or refund the item up to one year from the date of purchase. However, I have no experience...
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Everyone raves about it, but I find the choice of media quite poor, and find older programs such as limewire, even tho theyre a little slower, much more useful. Am I looking at the wrong sites, could...
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Why do people pay to have their mobile phones unlocked? Is there an easier ( and cheaper ) way to do this ?
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Hey there, I've just moved into my accommodation in Uni, and to my horror, found out that there's no built in aerial. After we'd gotten me a new LCD TV and a TV Licence. So we went down to curreys and...
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My friend and I have been searching for a long time for the drink silver aftershock. We've found Red and Black at Sainsbury's, Blue at Asda, but nowhere seems to sell bottles of Silver or Green. Green...
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Has anyone here eaten one and what do they taste like?
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Hi there. Recently there was a problem with my computer, and they had to format the harddrive. Somehow they proceeded to assign it the drive letter F. This annoys me somewhat, and I'd like to change...
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Hi, does anyone know the name/artist of the music from the latest 'Abbey' (formerly 'Abbey National') advert? It's a really nice acoustic guitar piece and i must have a copy of the full song...
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ebay pages such as this one promise to give you a company that can sell you mobile phones for ?20. So how does(n't) this...
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Hi there. I was using a SpeedTouch 510v4 router to connect to AOL Broadband, but this morning it stopped displaying the connected icon. I have also tried using the original USB DSL modem you sent us...
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Hi there, i need to be quick so sorry this is brief. Basically when i run a program in windows xp like ipconfig it closes after running, before i can read it, any way to change this? Thanks
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Is there a god? I mean look at all the different relgions around the world who all believe that THEY are right & the others are wrong. They can't all be right can they. Which is why in my opion it all...
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I didn't know where to put this one but here goes anyway. What are the chances that we really are alone in the universe?
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Well its about more than that, my root language seems to have switched to japanese with english as default. Basically i wanted to be able to switch between english and japanese with the language bar,...
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Looking for a solution (macro?) which can convert a date from cyymmdd format (,21st April, is 1040421) to a standard Excel date format?
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does anybody know of a website where i can download, free or reasonably priced polyphonic ringtones.
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Why will my CD writer allow me to write data or mp3 files to disc but not copy music CDs?
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I promised i wouldn't do it, but i just had to, it's another access question, sorry! I swear i've never had this much trouble with any other program. OK, this should be simple, i'm on a report, and...
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OK, i vow this will be my last. I have a table that has 'date loaned' and 'date due back'. 'Date loaned' has a default value of Date() so that when you 'loan' an item it has that day's date in, and...
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Hey, does anyone know how to make a default value in microsoft access that makes the next field equal to the previous entry + 1. For instance, if i had a member number in the first column and i wanted...

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