Anagram = a feature of Lincolnshire ( could be geographical, name of a person, or other feature) SLEDVILTOCRAY. (Number of words not given) I usually manage these, but this one has me stumped. Lincs...
23a Seize a vehicle with an automatic starter in district of 22 across (Brazil) (10). possibly ???a?a?a?a. Can it end in ...acarana? 25a City in 22across thus following a piece of opera(6) (???o?o) I...
1d Up and down days plus a year, plus a.....and so on. 5,5,5. ?A?D?/??D?A/?????. I've struggled for hours over this, but can't see it at all. Many thanks for any help, I must be really thick this...
I've more or less finished the right hand half but I'm stuck on the left hand half. I have a feeling that 7d and 3d are doubles???? (Remark about s-s-snake inspiring foreign article in The...
I've finished this crossword, but am in doubt re the answer required to 23d. "Agreement announced for rise(6)". The letters I have are ?S?E?T. Is it ASSENT or ASCENT, i.e. is the definition agreement...
I'm stuck in the top left hand corner.... 1a Before ultimate promotion in army time zone (8) P?E???C? 3d Setter's surgeon's feet (5) ??M?S They look like PREELECT and LIMBS, but those don't seem right...
I've done the crossword, but certain indicated letters form an anagram of a feature of Lincolnshire (not necessarily one word) They are TYCREPHOLA. In spite of having lived in Lincolnshire nearly all...
20d 16 9,22d's query recognises rude type with "am I bovvered" 3,3,13,2 (9,22d=Catherine Tate) A??/???/D?S?????C????/?E I'm completely foxed as I know nothing whatsoever about Catherine Tate except...
I'm not used to this crossword. The top left hand corner is proving difficult. e.g. 9a Quick meal brought round like this ??R???Y, and 13a Endlessly expressed contempt about wine put back in rack...
9a 16 sections. S?R?P. Someone has suggested STRIP. I can't understand this clue at all. The answer to 16 down is BIND OVER, but the clue may not refer to 16 down at all. Can someone explain to this...
I am puzzled because quite often the same answer (eg "pupa"), and virtually the same clue, appears in different crosswords within a few days of each other. Why is this? Do the setters work for more...
A few days ago, an ABer referred to Araucaria as "no longer with us", or words to that effect. Has he died then, or merely retired from setting crosswords? I don't take the Guardian every day, so may...
only 3 left. 15a Acceptance speech to shellfish-I'm not sure....(7) ?e???m? Could it be meseems, and if so, why shellfish? 13d Fruity food in piece of church soap, possibly (6,4) ????e?/ cake. If I...
Somehow, I missed seeing the final of University Challenge on Tuesday. Does anyone know if it is likely to be repeated, and when and where? Failing that, I'll have to ask who won, and if possible a...
The answers to 16d in Taupi and 24a in Everyman this last weekend are both the same, i.e.tiger, and the cryptic part of the clues are almost identical. I've noticed this happen before, quite often...