This is really is a long shot. But I can guarantee you will all know the piece of music when you hear it, I just have no idea of the composer. It's always played at Christmas. It's instrumental,...
It seems that all food cans have rippled sides, and concentric rings on the top and bottom lids. Why is this? Why are they not just plain, smooth metal?
The common picture of the inside of the atom is of extremely tiny particles separated by, on the atomic scale, huge spaces. So what is in these huge spaces? There can only be 2 possibilities: either...
Which is the farthest star that can be seen from the earth , with the naked eye - how far away is it ?
Which is the farthest star from the earth that we know about and how far away is it ?...
The term Chelsea Tractor has become widely accepted in the last few years as a derogatory term for those horrid, monster 4x4s that clog up the streets nowadays. A few weeks ago, I heard Frank Skinner...
If you have a long memory for TV, you may just possibly be able to give me an answer to this: In the mid-70s, there was a previously unknown light-skinned black female singer who attracted the...
If you ask people how long we spend in winter time (GMT) and how long in summer time (BST), most people will automatically say something along the lines of "Well, it's obvious, isn't it - six...
For the last 2 summers, as the vine and bindweed outside my back windows have flourished, I've had incursions of 2 insects, which I'm not sure about. The first is a bright green grasshopper-like...
Emmental cheese has a lot of holes, all different sizes, and randomly distributed through the cheese. One supermarket I visit regularly sells 400g blocks of it in vacuum-wrappers. How do they know,...
As BROTHER is to FRATERNITY, and SISTER is to SORORITY... So what's the equivalent for SIBLING? I don't think there is one - at least, none of my friends can think of one. Anyone want to venture a new...
A couple of slightly daft questions: 1: I've had many cats during my lifetime, and I've noticed that every one of them, when it's dozing peacefully (usually most of the time) and you say its name, the...
This heading seemed to be the only one that was vaguely appropriate - so let's give it a try: When I was a kid, in the 50s and early 60s, you could get a little grey message/drawing board which was...
"Space is what stops everything from being in the same place" "Time is what stops everything from happening at once" "Space cannot be infinite - if it was, there would not be any matter in it" Anybody...
Let's try this one again, and this time, can I please have sensible, considered answers, and not just brain-dead pond life making smartass remarks which aren't remotely helpful. Thanks. Here's the...
(Part 2) I have tried calling all sorts of organisations to see if they can offer me any solution, or suggest some body who would be pleased to have them to re-use - schools, museums, mail order...
Not quite sure how to phrase this one, so I hope this makes sense. A couple get married. Eventually, one of the partners dies, leaving the other free to re-marry. After some time, the new partner...