Anyone watching? Quite feisty from the off. Sunak has gone straight for the jugular, Truss actually looking competent for once. How on earth did these two ever get on at government meetings? Safe to...
Morse had a Jaguar, Bergeraic an Alvis, I think, and the chief character in Murder in Provence drives a stylish old Citroen.
Any others come to mind?...
Another speech by Starmer in which he refers to himself as the former Director of Public Prosecutions. Slightly different this time because he referred to it twice. I think we all know by now, and it...
Rishi Sunak is claiming that current evidence suggests, The Tory Party would suffer defeat at the next G/E if Liz Truss is made PM....... I suggest The Tory Party will suffer a Huge defeat at the next...
One night in the Six Bells, Stan says to Mike "My elbow hurts like hell. I guess I'd better see a doctor" "Listen, you don't have to waste your time sitting in doctors surgeries," replies Mike....
Anyone get wet today? Went to work in only a shirt and got soaked. Checked out BBC Weather report at 6am and nothing about rain here in stoke. It rained all morning.... (that fine stuff that gets you...
11 of them are Conservative, only 2 real Labour and 2 new Labour. Does anyone seriously think that real Labour can ever win a general election again?...
Some say Boris was lying, some say he was forgetting, some say he didn't know. Can we clear this up once and for all.
Could all the above have been " A Special operation"? :0)...
Show me who Jehovah's wittnesses were before Charles Taze Russell. What group/association/church/ etc held the same ideals or theology? Go back as far as you want... Can you name any first or second...