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How long can my fish live for with out being fed? They are goldfish. Will they live for two weeks during easter when they get left at school in my classroom?????
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Where can i watch Starlings all flying in formation like on Bill Oddies nature programme? I missed where he was watching the Starlings from, and what time of year is best.
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Your honest opinions, which team do you Dislike the most, This could be through either 1 hatred, jealousy, Rivalries etc. Can we please keep it to clubs only. I will start and say for 35 years i,ve...
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....that will make me feel more creative, intellectually curious and prepared to do something!
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would you rather have a little dog or a big dog? which breed you choose?
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I posed this question at the end of another question I had, the response from 3 people was No, definately not, and it seemed to rile a few people up... so please be honest in your answers... If your...
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What do you consider to be the most important room in a house? Why is this room more important to you than any other room? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. thanks in...
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Anyone got a good recipe for shepards pie, to win me some brownie points with my girlfriend ?
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Hi, I'm going to an Indian restaurant on Friday night for the first time and I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on what to eat. I like spicy food (but not too spicy) and I think I would...
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does anyone know of any good energy boosters? i don't just mean a multivitamin, or caffiene pills, which i already have, i mean something that will stop me feeling worn out and drained all the time,...
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How do Water Boards measure how much water they have in their reservoirs? And the speed at which it is being consumed on a daily basis?
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i have recently moved house, the grass is rather long, would it be ok to cut it now or is it best to wait until the weather gets a bit warmer? Thanks in advance for your replies.
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has anyone got a recipe for these.I can,t find any to buy in my local supermarkets,but the owner of small italian shop told me easy to do yourself,but I can,t remember his instructions thanks
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can anyone tell me why my filter only runns for a week bevor i have to clean it out again?, jet the water is very clean and clear.
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What shall we have for tea tonight?
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what can I feed a baby seagull my cat brought home
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Hi I am just setting up a large aquarium and have a deep layer of sand on the bottom. I have bought a lot of potted plants and would like to know if I should plant in the pots or without and the...
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I ordered a kitchen from them at the end of January, at which point I paid a deposit. They then sent me a bill for the remainder to be paid 1 month before fitting (which would work out to be end...

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