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hmm, i am usually never bothered by the "tug at your heart strings" type of ads, but since i had p i can cry at the drop of a hat - just seen the new nspcc ad and it had me in tears!...
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Does anyone else sometimes wish we could go back to the days when you went to your corner shop for six egges and when you cooked them for breakfast they were nearly always double yolkers,the bacon...
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Who was your first music God and why? As a child I loved listening to The Carpenters and looking at Karen, bless her soul. And when David Essex released Gonna Make You A Star it was wonderful. I...
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..or if you're not right now, what were you listening to last? Me: Dare - The Human League (a trip down memory lane) whilst perusing pics of old 80s stars on Google images. "...but just to keep you...
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Any recommendations for the best cold war novels to read? Im looking for the classic type spy/cold war novel, with spies and counterspies, military secrets, defections and betrayals, brinskmanship...
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Do you think social media sites are effecting our kids in a negative way?
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Sorry didn't know what catagory to put this in. My 9 year old daughters school residential trip is coming up where they go and stay in a youth hostel for a week etc. I don't really feel comfortable...
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I've been invited to the afters of a wedding by a workmate. What I need to know is what do you buy a "casual" friend/workmate for a wedding present? I was thinking of just giving a £50 voucher....
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has any one installed solar energy panels, (Not photovoltaic) if so are the savings all they are cracked up to be.
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defination of solar energy...
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I'm having an old friend over for dinner and I've never cooked for her before, I now she loves mushrooms, garlic and most things spicy. Which main course would you prefer, I'll go with the majority!...
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Heard recently that France has over 700 different types of cheese. How many are there in the UK?
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Can president Abama re- apply for presidency again after 4 years?
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online shopping is really benifited in India or any other country i don't know about online shopping
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watching British tv coverage of the Superbowl and wondering how many people here are remotely interested, it occurs to me how little the two nations have in common in terms of major sports....
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I love soup and having it most nights at the moment. What is your favourite? Not sure I could decide! I'm currently loving Morrocan Chicken soup on offer at Tesco, Morrisons Chicken and Sweetcorn...
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Mine is anything with cheese whats yours?
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He's cooking pork but to my mind he hasn't left it in long enough. I know he's doing the crackling separately but I wouldn't fancy it.

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