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Been given a pot of home made crab apple jelly. What does one do with it? Have it on toast?
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Hi. I've been asked to do a divorce cake; I've googled a few, but they all seem to be similar with the bride kicking the groom off the cake or carving him up! I would appreciate any ideas you could...
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AB Editor
Afternoon, I think you'll either find this funny or worrying: ...
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http://www.dailymail....en-billion-month.html What should nations and politicians do about this runaway trend?...
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One of my mates regularly goes golfing for a week in Spain with his mates. I have never done this, however, I am going fishing for 4 days in Scotland without Puss. I have been asked to go by son of...
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China Doll
Does anybody do this and if so, is there a reliable website? I am asking as I want to buy advocate for cats (4kg-10kg) for my moggie. The vets is quite expensive and I have seen online offers. I tend...
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too slow or just a good thing? debate ......
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just curious really, but for the parents, if your adult children borrow money from you...not massive amounts, say from £ you expect it back? would you loan it knowing you wouldnt get...
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Why aren't potatoes counted as 1 of your 5 a day fruit and veg? They are veg aren't they?
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hi i want to contact my parents who are in Colorado about 5pm their time - what time would that be here?
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Hello all. I have to make a 4 tier wedding cake. (the bottom tier is fruit cake) For three of the tiers I want to fill with butter cream and use a little to help the icing stick (they don't like...
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Have some old odds and ends of bread - if i whizzed them in the blender could i then freeze them?
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Good Evening All Answerbankers Earlier this week after a long illness MadSteve passed away at home with members of his family around him. In the time Steve was a member of Answerbank, he often spoke...
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17d,first batsman in,???n??,20a,animated,???r?t?d,24a,public performances,?p?e???n?e?
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Did anyone else think that the makeover given to the contestants was dreadful, they all looked and sounded better at the auditions, Louis Walsh looked liked Tin Tin's Dad or even grandad! Hard to pick...
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Lizzies rhyming quiz. found one more I haven't done 49b rat like marsupials. Any help appreciated...
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hi can anyone help please? answers relate to money - old or new lucky insect - 5,6 raps on castle of gold - 4,4 termite type, good with figures - 10 a kind of small shark - 5,3 what did George...
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Sorry no letters or number of letters to help. The name of an animal which can also mean to betray. Thanks in advance...
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what dance did Edwina and Vincent perform on strictly last weekend?
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1a grandprocession ??v?l ?a?e

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