I’ve need help understanding a portion of a bank statement plz. I’ve been sent a screen shot so can’t see total page. 7 columns 1st: funds transfer 2nd the sort code and account number on top with...
Hi - I am after a letter template to inform staff about petty theft from the care home and how it will not be tolerated, and that we will be informing the police and if it continues and you are found...
my friend keeps annoying me with his actions but i always forget it forgive him but this time i can do something in exchange to annoy him but i think he will be too angry and think poorly of me but i...
For me it’s a quiet drink with friends in a relaxed atmosphere,if I want food I’d go to a restaurant, now it’s where people go to eat pub grub, with children gunning around screeching , I think thd...
I turned 21 in March, the legal drinking age here in America and since then have enjoyed trying different types of drinks and I think my favs are Whiskey especially Bourbon and Jack Daniels and...
Hello, i'm considering suing my father for breach of contract, but can anyone tell me if the below constitutes one lol He started of saying how rubbish he has been, and went on to say the following:...
My OH has a daughter from a previous relationship who lives a couple of hundred miles away who turned 15 a few weeks ago, now we’re aware that he has to pay CS while ever she is in full time...
'I am a black woman in a white court, facing a white system and white prosecutors. 'I have been deliberately targeted because I am vulnerable.' 'I know first-hand the sexism and racism institutions...
A group of rugby players who have been supporting a hospice been told that their attire is now unacceptable. Why? Because it might offend LGBT people. The chaps have chosen to support a different...
Lilly was a friendly, loving playful kitten just like any other! But she had a heart murmur with life expectation of only two years so, against the wishes of her potential owners, Cats Protection Head...