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In aliens? As I think that it is impossible for all the planets out there in the infinite universe to not sustain life...
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I have 3 which are in my outbox to send and its annoying as I cant tell the people as they are surprises:) What makes this happen anyone?...
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in ghosts?
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You know the one when they just bid at the last minute. I have something i'm watching -very low -no bids but when I bid it may start a bidding war with 50mins to go i'd like to get it as near as 49p...
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wolf63 to me anyway. I really can't contain my excitement - I am SO bored. *Antidisestablishmentarianism** I will probably never need to use the word or even see it again. Susan...
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Which comedy writer & actor can be formed from the letters F N H L R E R Y A D E I (5,7)?
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sorry to people who hates snow, but i absolutley love it!! it just looks so beautiful ... doesnt it? if it carries on snowing i think i need to get the train to work :-P...
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Does he get it because he's deluded and thinks he can sing?
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Something on another thread made me think - I can remember when I was very little, although others say that we don't start to remember for several years. I know the things I can remember are from my...
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With over a 1/3 of the Season gone already how is everyone doing so far ? X-Ray is running away with it at present with 533 pts whilst I am languishing in 23rd with only 310 pts ! My other half Rowan...
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Now excuse my ignorance as I'm a city boy, but just n ow looking at the C4 horseracing where they are being ridden to within an inch of their lives whilst having their rear beaten/smacked with a stick...

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