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i often wonder this whilst driving along... i have automatic windscreen whipers, but they become 'active' when i turn them onto the first setting (noramlly intermitant whipes) but i can also prgramme...
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Does anyone know what his game is yet?? Why is he trying to control Peggie & what will happen between him and Ronnie?? Seems to be dragging on a little bit, not too sure what his part is really!
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hi, does anyone know where i can get the push button for this flush vaule to buy. cant find a brand name anywhere on it or toilet. have already tried homebase and B&Q...
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Whitechapel looks like it might be quite good. Anyone watching?
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Is there only me that wants to punch Louis Malloy in his stupid pompous face? FYI, love you didn't invent tattooing, and your work's not all that great!!
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Hiya fello foodies, i recently bought some cous cous for a health dinner, i was thinking of things to cook with it. would roasted vegetables goe well? if so, would anyone suggest any? another i was...
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I recently ordered a pair of boots from an on line website that I saw in a magazine. I waited till 2 weeks and then emailed them to see where they were and they just asked me to confirm the delivery...
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Nosha123 342.stm Just awful.... what is wrong with these scum bags? I had a conversation with the Husband recently and pleaded with him that if he ever gets...
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If so, please vote for me!! 0&cid=114&scid=65&_rate=5
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Hiya guys... just wanted some help with ideas for wearing my hair up. i quite often resort to the good old pony tail, the messy bun, and the tidy bun, and occasionally mess it all up and hold with...
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bantingm 0&cid=114&scid=65&_rate=5
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if so, please vote for me on the GMTV next model website!! Thanks Ab'ers 0&cid=114&scid=65&_rate=5
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hey im tash, im a bit stuck at to what to do because im nearly 16 and my boyfriend is 19 we really love being together and hope to move out this year but im not sure if im too young or not help! x
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Where on earth do they get these people from? This week's promises to be amusing, in a horrifying sort of way
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My wife has just returned from shopping with a blouse and she's noticed that the girl who served her on the checkout left the security tag attached to the blouse. It must have been deactivated somehow...
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Really horrible question (Sorry) iv tried everything to get rid of a Verucca on my foot which has been there 15 years (!!) doctors have done all sorts and nothing has helped, has anyone heard of any...
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legal girl
Can anyone tell me who's credit card Janine had in last night's episode. I watched it on IPlayer and the picture was rubbish!
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why cant you order a sky box office movie without an active phoneline? any ideas!?
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Anyone know a good one? im desperate to get me and the boyf into good eating habits... ta
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I have recently brought an nintendo wii and am having a wii night with some friends soon. Can anyone recommend any good games to buy???

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