A year ago I had a 4x4 car running on the side of my car while I was driving on the main road. The 4x4 was coming from a small road and I clearly had priority. My car was wrecked enough that it would...
Something really weird is happening, and no, I'm not imagining it. Whenever I click on a certain thread (the "Buying a car from a dodgy garage" thread) my page is covered in pictures of owls? They...
I have a legal charge on the house of someone who died over 2 years ago. I am trying to get in touch with the executor of the will, but the family will not give me any information. They just say...
my son who is 14 years old was approached from a family friend through facebook the gentlemen was 27 years old he progressed to ensite sexual behavour with my son sending him images and videos of a...
What a day! Woke up in a really good mood this morning, only for it to be one disaster after another. Stood on an upturned plug Laptop has a massive virus and is stuck Fainted in Tesco (more...
I thought worrying about socks might be a bit anal. Until ... There's a whole website for people who grade their hi-fi equipment by how smooth and solid the knobs feel. No, seriously ......
Last night I dreamed I met an ABer, he was very attractive and in the dream we kissed. I felt really peculiar about it this morning and I wondered where the hell did that come from. Anybody else dream...
Hypothetical situation at the moment but I was wondering what happens in this case. After the death of my Father I inherit a half share in a property along with my sibling. Neither of us wants to sell...
I thoroughly enjoyed this series. I know it's not everyone's taste (Mr Q is not a fan) but it was just right for Sunday evening and this current series ended on a high note, thank goodness. I've just...
Having just washed,the curtains,and the little plastic thingys and the rail.upon reassembly they now dont draw properly. I washed all the plastics in a bleach solution,now they dont rail? properly....
Genuine ones, please. Woman finds cheap unknown mobile phone in hubby's inside pocket of suit. Never seen it before. Hubby has v expensive fone. Turns fone on - is in silent mode. All numbers/txts...
Bert feared his wife Peg wasn't hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid. Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem. The...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * I'm sick of beer, give me a fruit juice with a lemon twist. * Great, your mother's coming to stay with us again. * I wonder if my gorgeous neighbor knows that her...
Hi all. I run a company that delivers vehicles all over the UK. We inspect the vehicles using a handheld phone, into which drivers put data about the vehicle condition - scrathes, dents etc. This is...