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I've got the regular Autumn invasion of spiders and have tried everything in the book to get rid of them! Has anyone tried an ultrasonic spider repeller? I've found one here:...
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how can i get cats out of my garden area? There are loads from surrounding houses and with my 3 year old child just starting to play in the garden now, he is petrified of these pests
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I can hear scurrying under my floorboards and I'm assuming it's mice. There are no large holes that I can see but that doesn't mean they're not coming into the house. What can I do? Would the...
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Just thought I would ask???
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Low energy light bulbs have been in the news because of the mercury in them and the problems it could cause if they break. However, I find the lighting not as bright as normal bulbs, how will this...
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leviathan 1
Is there a poison on the market that will eradicate cats from my garden? When they're not destroying songbirds they're deficating in my flowerbeds.Thanks
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If u hate gnats u can get insect repellant that will keep them away from u. Ants - there are "ant traps" that kill them and "ant pens" that stop them from going over the line u draw. But wot about...

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