Hi there I was wondering if you could help me. The following facts are known: I work in a Mental Health Hospital and Live in a self contained house that belongs to NHS. The house is on hospital...
Hi How do you put points on a non-UK driving licence? I mean what are the alternative ways for the police to act if they stop someone with a Polish driving licence?
Hi I was wondering if you could help me. I do not understand the following sentence: If you are resident in Britain and have an EC licence, your licence can be endorsed by the courts and a counterpart...
Hi there I have a little problem. when I started working in my current role thenotice period was 1 month. Now I have learned that due to some changes the notice period has been increased to two...
Hi there what would you do? I share a four room house with amnetally ill person. This is NHS accomodation and it is on the hospital site (though not part of the hospital) I did not know when I moved...
Hi I was wondering if you could help me. which of the two sentences is the more correct? A. Did a member of staff tell you what a level of observation means? B. Did a member of staff tell you what a...
Hi guys I was wondering if you could help me. How would you answer the following question: Can you give me an example of when you took other person's perspective? If yes , what example would you give....
hi! I have the following problem. I need to pass an advanced numeracy test and I was wondering if there is any intelligent way of solving this problem. You have only 20 seconds, you cannot use a...
Hi guys I was wondering if you could help me. I am about to speak to a customer who has a concern about the place I work in. What would you say to him apart from thanking him for giving you this info?...
hi guys I have problems with logical thinking. For example: Statement A: The boys had picked on Malcolm in the woods. Statement B: The boys had NOT picked on Malcolm in the woods Statement C: The boys...
Hi there
I was wondeirng if you could help.
I was told that I do not communicate decisions/instructions clearly.
Could you please give me an example of how to do so correctly?
Hi there! I ewas wondering if you could help me. I am trying to translate something from Polish into english. We have one expression, videlicet: robic komus laske thta literally means to do mercy to...
Hi there I was wondering if you coud help. I live in an NHS owned property. 3 days ago a huge part of the ceiling collapsed just in front of me. I was wondering where I could find something about how...
I happen to share my office with three people one director and two managers. Whene they are out am I supposed to act as their secretary? I do not mind answering the phone once in a blue moon, but I...
I was wondering if you could help. Someone I hardly know approached me and asked If I had a camera. I said yes. Then this person asked me if she could borrow. I did not know what to say but i was so...
hi I was wondering if you could help me I do not want to sound big headed or anything like that, but i find it difficult to find friends. (I am very sociable and friendly). Basically I have my own...
Hi there I was wondering if you could help me. Recently I have moved into a room in a house that is full of other tenants (the landlord doesn't live there). However, only after I had moved in, I began...
Hi guys I was wondering if you find the last response as rude as I find it: Just to let you know (the table with action points that I created was supposed to be developed by Chris, but he forgot to do...
Hey guys I live with a rude tennant. He called me names this morning. I approached him tonite but he did not want to stop. I asked him why he called me a punk. He shouted and did not let me say...
Hi there
A rude guy who lives in my block of flats said to me: You f****** punk. Anyone could explain to me what th eword means. I have not grown up in this country.